Chapter 36

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I parked my car in the driveway and began stepping towards the front door. When I saw the door come into my vision my foot got caught on something and I nearly fell over.

"Shit!" I cursed out before I gained my balance again. I don't remember anything being placed where I tripped over, so I turned to see what it was that almost made me crash into the ground.

Well, who it was.

"Haz?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. His back was against the wall and his legs were crossed. His arms were folded across his chest and he looked as if he was sleeping.

I leaned down beside him, shaking him a bit. His head leaned to the side before he groggily opened his eyes, staring at me.

"Ash?" he grumbled. He used the back of his hand to rub his eyes and I grabbed his other arm to help him up.

"You shouldn't be sleeping out here. Why are you even at my place, anyway?" Harry got onto his feet and we walked to the door. I unlocked the door and opened it for Harry, watching as he slowly made his way to the couch and plopped face first into it.

I sat by the little space there was close to his upper body, staring at Harry who made no effort to move. I placed two fingers against his cheek and immediately pulled away.

"You're freezing!" I exclaimed. "How long have you been out there?" He mumbled something unintelligible into the couch. "Wh-What?"

"What time is it?" he asked, turning his head to the side.

I searched around for a clock, seeing that it was already a few minutes after six.

"Six," I answered.

"Then maybe a few hours."

"Jesus, Haz, why are you here?" I waited for him to respond, but he just buried his face into the couch again. "I'm going to get you a blanket, and by the time I come back you're going to tell me what's wrong." He still didn't say anything, so I stood up and walked to my room. I picked up my sheets from my bed and carried it to the living room where Harry was.

Once I got there I saw that Harry was still in the same position as I had last saw him. I tossed the blanket at him, getting no response from him. I sat on the edge of the coffee table, silently hoping it wouldn't break under my weight.

I just sat there, my elbows rested on my knees as I stared at my best friend who was silent, not saying a single word to me at all.

"So," I spoke up, clearing my throat, "anything you would like to talk about? Something that's bothering you?" All Harry did was turn himself around so his back was facing me. "Seriously, what happened?"

"Something," was his response.

"Okay, then. Let me know when you want to talk about it." I was about to leave to get myself a snack from the cabinet when I felt Harry grab my wrist. I glanced down at him, and saw the tears forming in his eyes.

"Louis's staying with Eleanor," he choked.

"I'm sorry, who?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. Who the fuck is Eleanor?

"She's Louis's girlfriend. Louis was going to break up with her, but then he told me he couldn't do it. He didn't have the heart to."

"Yet he has the gall to break yours?"

Harry began to sit upright, wiping the fallen tears. "I told him, I didn't care if he stuck with her, and then I left."

I sat beside Harry and he wrapped his arms around me. He leaned against me until my back was against the armrest and his cheek was pressed against my chest.

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