Chapter 6

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"Wake up, sleepyhead, we're here."

I groggily opened my eyes and rubbed sleep from them. My vision was blurry and I was just waiting for everything to get into focus. Once everything appeared clear, I saw that Michael had his phone whipped out, and then a camera sound being shot. My eyes widened and I tried jumping at him.

"Michael!" I yelled, but the seat belt that I was wearing held me in place. Michael let out a ridiculous laugh as he hopped out of the car and bolted into my house. I tried to remove my seat belt but for some reason after I finally got it off I was still stuck in place. I looked down again and saw that Luke had his arms wrapped around my body. His fingers were interlocked and he was breathing soft snores. I was surprised that he didn't wake up after my shouting and Michael's laughing.

I shook him lightly. "Luke, wake up. We've arrived." I decided to unbuckle his seat belt, but then he shifted around so one foot was flat on the ground while the other was up on the empty seat. His arms fell from me, but now his head was resting on my lap, his face facing upwards.

This illegally attractive, sexy freshman's head is right on my lap. My lap. Oh, my God. My heart is racing. I really need to learn to calm myself down.

I examined his face and he looked so young and peaceful. His hair was still a bit wet, but it suited him nonetheless. I still prefer his hair spiked up though. I gently let a finger run over his lip ring. It looked so hot on him.

I even carded my fingers through his hair. A smile formed on his lips and he let out a quiet purr. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Did you just purr?" I asked him while I laughed.

"Penguins do not purr..." was his response.

Suddenly the car door swung open and there was Michael, holding his phone out again, snapping a bunch of photos.

"Knock it off! He's sleeping!" I barked. He brought the phone down and then eyed me.

"I'm taking pictures. You're yelling like a siren."

"Mmm..." I turned my eyes back to Luke. "... Cold..."

"You dumb butt," I growled at Michael. "Help me get him inside. He refuses to get up."

"Nah, I'm good." Michael then skipped away. I groaned and shook my head.

"Lukey, get up." Lukey? Where did that come from? We're not that close.

"Hehe, she calls me Lukey," he giggled.

She? Who's she?

Oh. He's straight.

He's already got someone he likes, and that person's a girl. My chest hurts now.

I began to slide out of the car and head inside, leaving Luke in the car.

I know we just met today, and he's only to be around me because of the football incident, but hearing those words come out of his mouth really hurt. I almost believed that I had a chance with him, but what are the odds that he'd like a guy, let alone me?

When I walked into the house I was greeted by my brother and sister, Harry and Lauren. Yep, my little brother's name is Harry, and when Harry Styles and Harry Irwin met, they were so excited to find another Harry in the world.

"Ash!" they both exclaimed as they ran up to me. I hugged their smaller frames and they wrapped their arms around me. We parted and then they looked up at me with their round eyes.

"Why didn't you pick us up?" Lauren asked. "We had to walk home, because you never came."

Right. I'm supposed to pick them up from school. Mom made that rule once I was able to have passengers in the car without an adult. She doesn't have time to do it, because she's always at work. She's such a workaholic during the weekdays, but when it comes to Friday night all the way to Sunday night she's the best mom in the world. Plus, because she's always away during the weekdays I have to take care of my siblings and do all the chores in the house. Harry and Michael come over to help out a lot, and the others come by occasionally.

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