Chapter 8

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I found my phone when I was shifting around on the couch, trying to get comfortable. It was wedged in between the box cushions. 

Fifteen minutes after Luke had finished his homework Harry had announced throughout the house that his 'famous spaghetti' was ready. Of course, my siblings absolutely love Harry's cooking, so they were running out of their rooms in a blink of an eye. Luke got up from the couch so I could get up as well, but I got up too fast and then my vision went black and I was feeling dizzy. Luke, however, thought I was going to pass out and grabbed hold of me and helped me walk to the dining room table where there were six plates and forks placed in front of each chair.

Michael carried the pot of spaghetti to the table. Luke sat me down as he took a seat next to me.

Harry and Lauren were already seated on the side opposite of me and Luke. Once the spaghetti was placed onto the table, my siblings ravenously started helping themselves.

"You two," I warned once they set their helpings on their plate. I'm not one who cares about table manners, but Luke Hemmings is here. I decided to drop it when they didn't seem to hear me. I sighed and shook my head.

Luke grabbed my plate without my realization, and I was about to say something, but he had already got some spaghetti onto the plate and put it in front of me.

"Thank you," I said, "but you didn't have to do that."

"It's okay, I wanted to," he replied.

"This is going to be so good!" Michael said as Harry walked in with two bottles of soft drinks. He set them down and he and Michael took a seat at the ends of the table. Lauren dropped her fork onto her plate and rushed into the kitchen. I watched as Luke began collecting spaghetti onto his plate.

I twisted my fork into the spaghetti and picked it up and popped it into my mouth. As usual, Harry's cooking is delicious. I sometimes wonder why he wanted to be a singer instead of a chef.

"This is good," I told Harry as I took another bite of the spaghetti.

"Good? It's delicious!" Michael exclaimed as he literally stuffed his face with the food. "I love your food, Haz! I should come over for dinner every day!"

"Yeah, don't do that," I told him with a chuckle. Michael stuck his tongue out at me playfully, and then continued to eat.

I noticed that Harry's eyes were glued onto Luke, and then I looked at the blond sitting next to me. He blinked at the plate before he began eating it. To me, it was almost as if the room was dead silent as I watched him. He chewed, swallowed, and then met Harry's gaze.

"This is really good," he commented. "Compliments to the chef."

Harry beamed and nodded, "Thanks, mate. That means a lot."

I couldn't help but smile. I think Harry's starting to warm up to Luke now.

Lauren had returned to the room, carrying six cups all at once. I got up from my seat, but Luke had beat me to it. He was already hurrying over to Lauren and took three of the cups from her arms.

"Thank you," she said, gratefulness evident in her voice.

"You're welcome," he smiled. He set a cup in front of me, himself, and Michael. Lauren placed the other three in front of herself and the two Harrys. Harry offered to pour everyone a drink, and so he did. Everyone except Luke and I got soda. He simply went to the kitchen to fill my and his cup with water. I swear, I told him I could do it, but he told me to stay seated and eat.

Michael and my siblings were giving themselves a huge amount of spaghetti on their plate, but no one said anything. I didn't, because I just wasn't feeling very hungry.

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