Chapter 5

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I somehow managed to go to sleep within five minutes, because the next thing I knew someone was poking me. I opened my eyes, only to be blinded by the setting sun. Sunsets aren't usually bright, but when it comes to waking up and your eyes aren't entirely adjusted to the light, then yeah, they are.

"Time to go, sleepy head," said the voice that I recognized as Luke's. Yeah, I already got his voice down in my memory. It's deep and sexy. How can I not?

I groaned and closed my eyes. I shifted myself so that way I was facing up.

"Carry me, Lukey," I muttered without thinking, stretching my arms at him. It wasn't until many seconds of no response from Luke did I realize what I just said. I widened my eyes and shot up, slapping my hand over my mouth.

"Whoa, don't do that! You might hurt yourself!" he exclaimed. I didn't dare look at him in the face.

"I- I didn't mean that! I'm sorry!" Blush was forming on my cheeks. I buried my face into my hands and wished that someone would take me away and throw me into a ditch deep enough for me to not be able to get out.

"Hey, it's okay. Don't be embarrassed," Luke laughed. Oh, God. He's laughing at me. I feel like such an idiot. I refused to remove my hands from my face, but then fingers wrapped around my wrists and pulled them away. I looked up to see what was going on and found that Luke was kneeling down so he was eye level with me. His blue eyes were glistening, no matter how cliche that sounds, and his black lip ring was even gleaming as well. "However, as much as I'd like to fulfill your wishes, I did a lot of running and am sweating a lot. I don't think you'd want to get my sweat all over you. But I'll try my best to help you to the locker room. I need to take a shower and change back into my clothes."

Th-the locker room? Change clothes? Oh, shit, he's going to strip down, and I'm going to be in the same place as he.

I felt my cheeks heat up, but I turned my head away so my fringe would block enough of my face so Luke wouldn't see the red that had formed.

"C'mon, give me your arm."

I didn't have to lift my arms, however, because Luke was already pulling me up. I was waiting for my dizziness to take over, but it didn't, thank God for that. Luke had his arm out behind my back to make sure he'd catch me if I were to fall, but I told him I could manage.

We began making our way to the locker room. A lot of guys were already shirtless and walking around freely. I clung to Luke as he chuckled. We stepped over to Luke's locker. He twisted the lock back and forth until it clicked and he opened the locker, pulling out a towel and some shower supplies. I sat on the bench as Luke removed his black cleats and socks. He closed his locker and began heading to the showers.

Well, I guess he isn't going to strip in front of me after all. I'm not disappointed, if you're wondering. I'm relieved, actually. I wouldn't know what would happen to me if he were to start removing his clothes right in front of me. I think he'd wonder why I was having a nosebleed.

I already embarrassed myself plenty of times; I don't want to do that again, especially not in front of Luke.

His locker was just across from the showers, so I could see him still. He threw his towel over his shoulder and stepped into one of the open showers. He closed the shower door that only covered from his shoulder down to his knees. He placed his towel on that and then began to pull off his shirt and he threw it so it was hanging next to the towel.

I know I can only see his legs down and shoulder up, but- oh, my God. Look away, Ashton, before you die!

Shortly his P.E. shorts followed afterwards. I could tell that he pulled them off along with his undershorts, because a piece of his boxers was showing from inside the shorts.

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