Chapter 26 pt II

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AN: I'd just like to say this now, in case you guys didn't know... there will be no sex in this story, which means I won't write it out in detail, but it will be mentioned that it happened and such. Even though there won't be sex, I never did say there wouldn't be some pretty "hot stuff."

Like this chapter, perhaps?

If you don't want to read it, be my guest and skip ahead. In fact, continue going until you see the six dashes that look like this ------ , but, I must warn you, you're going to miss something pretty big if you do.

I was lying down on my back and Luke was hovering above me. His eyes were just staring into mine and I felt my face flush. He just went into some kind of seductive mode, and it wasn't helping my hard-on either.

"A-Are you serious?" I asked nervously, because this was

Then he flipped us over so that I was on top of him and he was beneath me. His arms snaked around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I heard him groan and I lifted myself off of him a bit.

"Am I hurting you?" I asked worriedly. He shook his head.

"No, no. Your thigh's just... rubbing against me," he explained. He then rolled me off of him and he slid off his pants, and I couldn't help but look at the bulge in his shorts. My face became red and I turned away. "My pants were not helping at all."

"O-Okay..." Luke stripping out of his clothes and wearing only in his boxers isn't making my problem worse.

I don't think Luke even knows I have one, but it's probably better that way, I don't know. I'll take care of the problem later after I take care of his.

I heard him chuckle. "This is the least amount of clothes I'll wear around you," Luke said. I never said that I didn't want him to strip. "Okay, give me your hand."

I hesitantly brought my hand over to him, but when he saw how slow I was moving he grabbed my wrist and pulled it towards his bulge. "H-Hold on!" Then he pressed my hand against his hard-on, and-

Oh, my God. I didn't think it was possible for me to get even harder than I was before.

"Okay, now do this," he said as he curled my hand. Shit, he's big. "Just give it a few pumps."

"How are you so okay with this?" I asked, flustered. I pressed my face against his shoulder.

"Maybe because it's you?" Luke said as if it was obvious. "How blind are you? I thought it made it pretty obvious."

Wait... is he...

Oh, my God.

He pulled my hand away and rolled above me, his legs straddling one of mine. His knee went up and rubbed against my hard-on and I bit my lip to suppress a moan from escaping.

Luke's hand went up to my face before caressing it. "Let your voice be heard," he cooed. His finger trailed from my cheek to my chin before tilting my head up, and all that I was thinking of was how cold his hand was. I shut my eyes tightly, not wanting to see his face. "Open your eyes. I want to see them."

I eventually did and I stared into his blue eyes. I don't know why, but from where I am he looked hotter, more attractive than usual. "Let's take care of you first, shall we?"

Luke was now in between my legs and he brought his face closer to mine, pressing our lips together.

The kisses grew into open mouthed ones and eventually there were tongues involved. I shivered when Luke's hand went from my jaw to my torso, and it rested there before it continued downward.

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