Extra Chapter

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"Hey, Ashton! Look at this book!" I walked over to Luke and saw him pick up this one book called My Bad off the table in front of him. "It's a book with a gay couple!"

"Oh, I saw that the other day when I was here with Harry," I told Luke. "The funny thing is, the summary is exactly what I told Harry the day I saw you for the first time." Luke flipped the book around and read the summary to himself. Then he opened up the book, laughing to himself.

"This was the first thing I read," he told me, handing the book to me and pointing at the line for me to read.

'I could fuck you into next year.'

I shut the book roughly and handed it back to Luke. "This book's too inappropriate for me."

"Are you serious? I remember telling you that, but I was kidding obviously." He opened the book again and read aloud. "'I'm done. I am so done. This is too much for me. Here are your keys. I'm going to detention early.'"

My eyes widened at that, because I remember Harry saying the exact same thing. I snatched the book out of Luke's hold and started reading the part after the quote.

"'He forced my car keys into my hand, jogged down the bleacher, and began running back to the school,'" I read.

What the hell. That's exactly what Harry did. It's like we're in this book, but the names are all different.

"I want to look for more," Luke asked, taking the book and flipping through the pages. "Hey, listen to this. 'Did my brother tell you that? God damn it, he always does that. I'm freaking-'" Luke cut himself off, his eyes starting to become large. "'- fifteen...'"

I took the book and selected a random page to go to.

"'Before I knew it Edward slammed me up against the wall and smashed his lips against mine.'"

Luke picked another page to read off of.

"'You should've aimed in between his legs, so Robert could kiss him there,'" he read. His eyes met mine and he said to me, "Ash, this book's creeping me out." I nodded and started skipping to the end.

"There's an epilogue in here and another chapter," I pointed out, flipping to the extra chapter. "'Hey, Fletcher! Look at this book!'" I immediately closed the book and dropped it onto the table that Luke picked it up from.

Luke and I clung onto each other as we stared at the book like it was a monster. It kind of was. The events that happened in the book were way too much alike with the ones that actually did happen. If I compared my life to the one in the book, I'd say that the book was based off of me. Or somehow my life was based off this book. Either way I'm scared.

I glanced up at Luke and his eyes met mine, fear evident on both of our faces.

"I think we should get out of here," I said.

"Good idea," he agreed, nodding. Then the both of us bolted out of the store.

That's the last time I'm ever going into that bookstore again. Or any bookstore at all.


AN: Silly chapter, lol c: Luke and Ashton checking out the book My Bad, lol. Anyway, this story was definitely an adventure and this is where we depart. Thank you for reading to the very end! I love you all! Bye x

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