Chapter 27

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Let me just say, when Harry drew on Zayn's face, it was not worth it. At all.

Guess who just got punched and is now on the ground?

Well, it wasn't Harry, I'll tell you that. Try again.

If you guessed Niall...

You're still wrong.

But if you're thinking that it was Luke...

Then everyone minus Zayn and Harry wouldn't be standing around a groaning Louis right now who's lying on the ground.

"Hey! Don't get mad at me for punching your boyfriend right in the face!" Zayn yelled when Harry pinned him up to a wall. "It was your fault for drawing on my face!"

"You punched Louis!" Harry yelled through gritted teeth. "You punched and hurt my Louis!"

So this is what happened.

When Harry finished doodling on Zayn's face, he held up a mirror right in front of him in case he started to wake up. Minutes later he did, and when he saw what Harry did to his face, he cursed at him and chased him around the place. Once he got ahold of him, he pulled his fist back and flew it at Harry's face, except it didn't hit Harry.

Louis had jumped right in between the two at that very moment to protect Harry and ended up being the receiver of Zayn's deadly hit.

Now Louis's hands are over his face and he's crying out in pain. Liam was kneeling beside him, telling Louis to pinch his nose and make sure his head's tilted up. When Louis did as he was instructed he let out a shriek, complaining how it was hurting too much. Liam helped Louis up and had him sit on the recliner.

"Let me see your nose," Liam said as Louis removed his hand. He sucked in a breath, seeing the blood running from his nostrils Louis was breathing through his mouth, taking in deep breaths and releasing them. Liam let Louis cover his face again. "It's red, but you'll be fine."

"You broke his nose!" Harry screamed at Zayn.

Zayn pushed Harry off of him, and began blowing up at him again. "Is it my fault? No, your boyfriend got in the way of something that was your doing!"

"You still hurt Louis!"

"If you didn't draw a penis on my forehead, then Louis would be fine!"

Yes, Harry did draw a penis on Zayn's face. Well, a penis and the phrase, 'fuck me'. Zayn hasn't found that yet, because Harry wrote it under his chin.

"Li?" Louis whimpered, peeking at him through his fingers. "Li, is my nose broken?"

"I don't know," Liam sighed.

"I'll go get some ice and a towel!" Niall said as he hurried off.

"Calum and I will get some pain medications," Michael announced, grabbing Calum's hand and going towards the restroom.

"I'm going to go clean off my face," Zayn hissed as he stormed off, muttering, "Stupid Harry."

Harry went over to Louis and sat on the armrest. "Boobear, are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Louis said. "My nose just hurts a lot and is broken, that's all." Harry tried to lean in to kiss Louis on, but the older boy shook his head, pulling away. "Not now. Later when I'm feeling better."

Niall came back with a bag of ice and a towel draped over his arm. He covered the bag with the cloth and brought it to Louis. He gingerly pressed the bag to his face, but eventually relaxed.

Zayn came back into the room, wiping a cotton ball against his forehead. The marker was smudging, but it was going away as well. I sighed and shook my head.

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