Chapter 20

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It was around eight in the morning when I woke up, and I wasn't expecting to see Luke's face pressed against my chest while his arms were still wrapped around me.

And I surely wasn't expecting to see Michael in my bed.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him. He was on his side, tapping on his phone. He then looked at me after a few seconds.

"Hm? Did you say something?" he quizzed.

"Why are you in my bed?"

"Well, because I was sleepy. Isn't a bed used for sleeping? Well, you wouldn't know, because you probably use the bed for different things with Luke, am I right?"

"Fucking dork."

"Aren't you the one who's fu-." I removed myself from Luke's arms and leaped at Michael, aiming for his neck. He let out a screech as he tried to protect himself. I still got my hands around his neck. "Sorry! Sorry!"

"You better be!" I yelled, but then Michael slapped a hand over my mouth.

"Shut up, you firetruck, Luke's asleep." Then he removed his hand. "And are you okay? After last night's incident... You seem to look a lot better than you did. What about Luke?"

"I don't feel any pain. Not anymore. Not sure about Luke, though." I want to believe he's okay, but I'm not entirely sure. Louis hit him pretty badly. Luke tries to shrug it off, but I know he's hurt.

"Oh, we're going to Liam's later so we can all go to Harry's place together."

"And you're here because...?"

"I had your car, remember? I came back here after dropping off Geordie at her place."

"How'd you get in?"

"I know where your spare key is." Of course, Michael would. "So, did you two frickle frackle?"

"What is with you, Harry, and the phrase 'frickle frackle'?" I glared at him. He just shrugged.

"It's fun to say. It sounds funny, too. Frickle frackle, frickle frackle-" I grabbed his cheeks and pulled them out and he began crying for me to stop. "My cheeks, my cheeks! My poor cheeks!"

Then Luke groaned and shifted on the mattress. I released Michael's face and the two of us froze and watched as Luke flipped himself over.

"Get off me, you fatty," Michael muttered, pushing me off. If he's ever going to call anyone fatty in the future, he better not be saying it to Luke. I wouldn't know what he would do.

"Luke looks so peaceful," I cooed.

"Yeah," Michael agreed. "Let's wake him up."

"No!" I whisper-shouted as I smacked his head. "Let him sleep. He's been through a lot." Michael sighed before standing from the bed and walking to the door.

"Liam asked me to go buy Harry a cake. Want to come with?" I glanced over at Luke, and then at Michael. "Don't worry, it'll be quick. We're not supposed to be at Liam's until around eleven, because we need to get to Harry's at noon. We'll be back real soon. The bakery isn't far from here."

"I'm more worried about Luke though," I told Michael. "What if he wakes up and notices I'm not here?" Also, what if he doesn't eat? He has to eat.

"Leave him a note. It'll be fine. Tell him you'll be back soon. It's not like he can go anywhere." I bit my bottom lip, deciding whether I should go with Michael or not. I really didn't want to leave Luke alone. I looked at Michael.

"I'm staying with Luke," I said. Michael pouted. "Remember, chocolate cake."

Michael nodded before standing up. "I'm going to have some breakfast. What do you have that I can eat?"

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