Chapter 3

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Harry and I got Niall food. We just got into my car and we were about to head back to the school to drop it off at Niall's class. The thing is, I don't know where Mrs. Bigsy's class is. I don't even know who she is. And it's still the sixth class of the day. Class doesn't end until another five minutes.

I parked my car into the same spot that it was in earlier today before I went to Nando's. I killed the engine, pushed my phone into my back pocket, and began making my way out of the car. The first thing I noticed when I looked at the school was that people who were trying out for football were still in action. Usually if one's taking a sport, the class lasts for about three hours whereas other classes are just one.

Harry carried the bag filled with Nando's food out of the car and then I locked my car. We then began going past the football field to get to wherever Niall was.

I swear, whoever thought it was a good idea to put a football field right in between the school and the student parking lot was drunk off their ass, because this is no way a good thing for lazy people like myself.

"Do you have any idea where Bigsy's class is?" I asked Harry. He nodded.

"Yeah, I know. She's in the English part of the school." I told Harry to lead the way, and he told me to hold the bag of Nando's. When I obeyed, his arm was wrapped around my shoulder and we started going to the building.

"Nice job, son!" I heard the football coach shout. I turned my attention to the football field and saw a bunch of football players grouping up and giving someone a hug. I shrugged and turned my attention back to the school.


We were now standing in front of Mrs. Bigsy's classroom right when the bell rings, telling everyone that school's over for the day, except for the students on sports teams. Students piled out of the classroom, which probably means that Mrs. Bigsy has a class for sixth period. Before the door could close, I pulled it open and peered inside the classroom, finding that no one was there except for an adult who looked as if she was in her mid-thirties sitting at the desk, typing away on the computer. She turned her head so she was looking at me and Harry.

"May I help you, gentlemen?" she asked, her voice showing that she wanted us out of her room as soon as possible so she could get done whatever she was doing.

"Yeah, um, do you happen to know where Niall Horan is?" I questioned. She pulled her hands away from the keyboard and began squeezing the bridge between her eyes.

"That kid, I swear, is such a nuisance. What business do you have with him?"

"We brought him food," Harry answered as he lifted my arm that was carrying the Nando's. "He missed out on lunch, and that's his favorite time of day, not including breakfast and dinner."

"Well, he wouldn't have missed it if he just sat still and kept his big mouth shut," she snapped. This lady has such an attitude. "Mr. Horan is not here. He's serving detention hours at the school library, because he needs to learn how to be quiet."

True, Niall does need to learn how to do that.

"Okay, thank you," I said.

"Oh, and there's no food allowed in the library, so don't even think about bringing that... stuff in there."

"This 'stuff' you're referring to is from the greatest restaurant on Earth," Harry retorted. My jaw dropped as I looked back and forth from Harry's smirk to the teacher's surprised expression. I began pushing Harry away from the room.

"Sorry about that, Mrs. Bigsy, I'll control him," I told her apologetically, giving her a smile. She shook her head and returned to the computer. I shoved Harry away from the door. "You're insane," I told him.

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