Chapter 26 pt I

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My jaw dropped as I state at Niall with wide eyes.

Did he just-

He asked me and Luke to-

Oh, no.

"Niall, I can't do that!" I protested, but he just shook his head.

"Too bad," he said. "It's a dare. Do it."


"I'm not changing my mind."



Oh, my God, he's really adamant about his decision. But I can't have sex with Luke! I'm not ready! And he's a freshman!

"And I want Luke to top," Niall smirked.

"NO!" I yelled. "We are not doing anything in Harry's bed!"

"Niall, aren't you taking this a bit too far?" Liam asked. "They just pretended that Luke had feelings for you, and your comeback at them is daring them to have sex."

Niall just shook his head. "I've made up my mind."

"Oh, my God. Luke and Ashton are going to have sex," Zayn laughed. "Oh, this day just keeps getting better and better."

"LASHTON SEX!" Michael and Calum exclaimed. What the- why are those two in sync? It's creepy.

"No one's doing anything in my room," Harry said sternly, standing up and walking over to Niall.

I breathed a relieved sigh, "Thank you, Ha-"

"Can't they use the guest room? The bed's bigger." Then he and Niall both had a huge grin on.

I hate you, Styles and Horan. I fucking hate you guys so much.

"Luke, why aren't you saying anything?" Louis asked as he crossed his legs on the couch, throwing a pillow over his lap. "Did the dare make you go mute?"

"He's probably debating whether or not he should do it," Michael laughed. "What do you say, Luke?"

Luke didn't say anything. He didn't look shocked, he didn't look freaked out, he didn't look anything close to not wanting to do it. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if he said-

"I'll do it."

Scratch that. I'm flipping out right now.

"What?!" I yelled. Then Luke grabbed my wrist and began dragging me down the hall.

"Guest room is the second door to the left!" Harry shouted.

Everyone who is under the same roof as I am is going to die when I get out of the room.

Luke pushed me into the room and I fell onto the queen bed stomach first. Then he turned around and shouted down the hall, "We're locking the door!" He closed the door and I heard a click.

I flipped myself over and sat upright as I watched Luke approach me. "L-Luke, I can't do this! I'm not ready!" He kneeled in front of me, and I was in complete panic mode at this point. "I don't know anything about-!" Then he placed a finger to my lips, creating a sibilant noise.

"We're not going to do anything," he whispered, "don't worry. We're going to trick them."

"Trick them?" I repeated, and he nodded.

"Yeah. We're just going to make a bunch of sexual noises, and probably jump on the bed so it'd make a creaking sound. But you have to make it convincing so that way they'd believe it." I nodded and then he began stripping out of his shirt.

"Wait, we're getting naked?" I asked. My eyes were staring at his chest, but then I quickly moved them up to his face.

"Just the shirt," Luke said, tossing the shirt to the side. "Now, get out of yours." He reached for the hem of my shirt and began pulling it up.

"W-Wait, I can do it myself." He muttered an okay and I began slowly removing my shirt. My hands were shaking a bit, and he must've noticed it, because then he grasped onto my hands and helped take the shirt off.

"You can hear them eavesdropping on the other side," he said quietly. "Listen."

Sure enough, I could hear the whispering of the guys, one of them catching my attention was Michael asking if we were getting it on.

"Now, start screaming," Luke ordered. "You have to let out the best moan you can make." Luke jumped onto the bed, standing on it, and began bouncing on it. He then inhaled deeply before shouting, "Come on, babe! Moan my name! Moan for me!"

I can't believe I'm doing this. This is so embarrassing.

"L-Luke!" I yelled, but I could already tell it was anything but convincing.

"God, Ash, that was horrible," Luke laughed. "They're not going to believe it if you're like that."

"I can't fake a moan," I told him.

"Are they even doing it?" I heard Niall ask from the other side. Okay, I can do this. I think.

"Sh-Shit, Luke!" I let out, a smile finding its way onto Luke's lips.

"Bingo," he murmured before he went back to jumping on the bed. His arms were stretched out towards me. "Jump with me."

I grabbed his hands and he pulled me up. He wrapped his arms around me, and then a hand slid down and squeezed my bum.

"O-Oh..." I moaned, and then I whispered to Luke, "Was that really necessary?"

He just shrugged. "I got you to moan. It helped, didn't it?" Then his arms fell from me and he was back to jumping. "You're so tight, Ash! Loosen up a bit!"

"I don't know how you can do this without feeling embarrassed," I shook my head before proceeding to bounce on the bed and shout some more. "Oh, my God! Right there, Luke! Right there!"

"Shit, I can't hold back anymore!" Luke then did an air thrust followed by this really loud moan, and I tried my best to suppress a laugh.

"F-Fuck, Lukey!" I stopped bouncing and flopped onto the bed front first. I can feel my entire face grow red and I was completely exhausted from doing all that.

Now that problem with us supposedly having sex has been solved, I have another problem.

I've got a boner.

Luke pulled the covers over me before. "Just stay still," he ordered, and I hummed. He went over to the door and pressed his ear to it. Then he opened the door and there was Louis standing there.

"I gotta teach you guy how to act," Louis chuckled. "Actually, Luke you did a pretty decent job, but Ashton. God, you were awful."

"I don't see myself as an actor in the future," I said, propping myself up on my elbows.

"Neither do I. Anyway, Niall and Michael are passed out and the other lads are tending them."

"Wow, those guys are gullible," Luke laughed. "Niall especially."

"He is. If you were to tell him that his pet goldfish dies, he'd run back to his house and check on it." I cocked an eyebrow.

"Niall doesn't have a goldfish," I told him, and Louis nodded.

"Exactly," he grinned. "Well, I'll go check on the others. I won't tell them you were faking it." He stuffed his hands into his pockets and walked away. I heard Harry exclaim Louis's name before Luke shut the door.

"Thanks a lot," Luke muttered, falling onto the spot next to me.

"For what?" I asked, confused. All we did was jump on the bed and shout really embarrassing things.

"I'm hard." I pulled myself up and looked down at Luke. "I got hard just from you screaming my name. Even though your fake moans were awful, but still."

"Uh," I pressed down on my hard, "don't you want to take care of it?"

Luke turned to face me. "You caused it. How about you take care of my little friend down here?" Then he winked and he began crawling over to me.

... Oh, shi- Oh, my God.

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