Chapter 37

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Harry was dead tired the following morning at school. At the table his face was buried in his crossed arms that were placed on the top of the table and he was asleep. I rested my head on my propped up arm while my fingers of the opposite hand ran through his curls, hoping it'd give him some form of comfort.

Moments later Michael sat on the other side of the table with a breakfast pizza.

"What happened to him?" he asked, pointing at Harry with his pizza before taking a bite out of it.

"A lot of things," I said, not wanting to go into detail. Harry was snoring and mumbling unintelligible things. I know he sleep talks and all, but he should probably consider putting duct tape over his mouth, because he says things that I wish I never heard him say.

"Must've been pretty busy with Louis, huh?"

"Well... not in terms of whatever your perverted mind is thinking of, but a lot has happened between him and Louis. So when Harry wakes up don't mention Louis's name around him."

"Right, got it." Michael nodded and continued stuffing his face with his pizza. Not long after Niall and Liam finally arrived and seated themselves at the table. Actually, Niall more like plopped beside me and rested his head on my shoulder. Shortly after Zayn appeared at the table with a breakfast burrito.

"Why did the weekend have to end?" he grumbled, earning a pat on the head from Liam who was seated on his other side.

"Everything comes to an end eventually, Niall," he said while the Irish groaned again.

"Why can't the school just suddenly blow up, so we can all go home?"

"Right now? We'd all be dead, smart one."

"I think wherever my soul goes to in the afterlife is better than here."

Zayn snickered, "I doubt Hell will hold anything good for you." Niall lifted his head a bit and shot a glare at Zayn. Then his head leaned towards the other side and was on Liam's shoulder.

"I'll see you there, Zayn," Niall said. "You too, Liam."

"Nuh uh," Liam spoke, pushing Niall off of his shoulder, "I'm not going to Hell with you. You can go by yourself."

"Why's everybody so mean to me now?" Niall slammed his head against the table, causing it to shake and Harry to groan before shifting his head so he was now facing outward. He was still again and then softly snored.

"Geez, calm yourself, blondie," Michael snapped. "What crawled up your ass this morning?"

"Liam," Zayn coughed, trying to look innocent as he glanced elsewhere and ate his burrito.

"Okay," Liam groaned, rubbing his temples with his index fingers, "first of all, we're both straight, and second, he's grumpy, because he lacks sleep."

"Of course you would know that. He slept at your place yesternight."

"Actually," Niall spoke up, "he slept at mine, but either way we still got sleep."

"It seems like Liam got more sleep than you did," I commented, looking at Niall as he slowly raised his head before deciding he was too comfortable, so he went back to pressing his forehead against the table.

"Can I pretend I, like, passed out or something, just so I could go home? Or maybe I could sleep in the nurse's office."

"Just bear through the day, okay?" Liam placed a hand on Niall's back, earning a grunt from the Irish. I glanced over at Michael who just finished his last bite of his pizza. He stood up, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

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