Chapter 39

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Calum told me during our fifth class that Luke was, in fact, with Aleisha. I'm not jealous one bit, because I know there's nothing going on between the two. However, I didn't find him at all the rest of the day. I didn't even see him out on the football field when Harry and I passed it to get to my car.

We were at a mall and Harry seemed like he completely forgot the main purpose we were here, because we were now walking around and he dragged me to some book store. Either he forgot or he's good at hiding it, which I find peculiar since he's the worst actor I know.

"This one looks interesting," I heard Harry say as he picked up this book that was sitting on the table and handed it to me. It was green and the title of it said 7-Eleven. I looked at the back of the book, briefly reading the summary.

"So this is about a thief who steals everything from everywhere but a convenience store, because a hot person works there," I summarized. "Eh, this sounds okay, but not that interesting to me."

"Okay, what kinds of stories are you interested in?" Harry asked, taking the book back and placing it down.

"How about... this one?" I picked a book that said Phobias on it. I read over the summary and stuck the book out to Harry so that the summary was facing him. "A love story where one person has a phobia and the other person has a different phobia." He looked at the summary and a smile forms on his face.

"Oh, I like that. Maybe I should read that." He took the book and then gasped. "A trilogy! I'mma go find the other two books!"

While Harry searched through the shelves I followed him, but stopped where I was when I saw this one book that stood out, since it was the only one with a blue spine. I pulled out that book and read the title.

"My Bad," it said. I looked over at the summary and read it. "'What if I have a tiny crush on a guy who doesn't even know I exist? How do I get his attention?'"

Haha, funny. I said those exact same words to Harry last week. This sounds like it's based off of my life.

Before I could look at the first page I saw Harry coming back with three books in his arms and I put the one I was holding back where I got it.

"I'm not much of a reader," he said, "but I'm sort of excited to read these books."

"Okay, you better read those books then," I told him. "You buy them, you read them."

Once Harry purchased the three books we walked out of the store. I just followed Harry wherever he went, until he stopped in his tracks and gasped.

"Ash! I almost forgot!" he exclaimed.

"What?" I asked. Did he remember Louis?

Harry grabbed my hand and started running past people with me right behind him. I bumped into a few people, thanks to Harry, and I apologized to them quickly, since Harry was going so fast I had to react quickly.

We ended up at the food court and Harry looked over at me and I only gave him a confused look.

"Okay, you're hungry," I commented.

"No, Niall wanted me to get him food. He's back at school still, waiting for Zayn to get out of practice, since he's his ride home."

"Well, I'm not surprised that Niall's asking for food, but didn't he eat lunch?"

"Listen to yourself, Ash. This is Niall we're talking about."

"... Point taken."

We got Niall his food and even food for ourselves and decided to eat ours at the food court. Well, I was eating. Harry was reading and just taking a bite out of his food every few seconds.

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