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"Good job Lance!" Hunk said hitting him on the back. "We didn't think you'd make it!" He continued as they all slid into the booth at Vi's Diner.

"Hey those two didn't think you could do it. Pidge was making fun of you the whole time!" Matt said raising both of his hands to defend himself. Pidge glared at him across the table from her spot beside lance.

"Thanks for the support Katie." Lance teased as he took a drink from the milkshake Hunk bought him.

"No problem lance! I'm your number one fan!" She replied sarcastically and stole a fry from Matt.

As a celebration for Lance getting accepted onto the West Adams Dance team Hunk suggested going to the diner, milkshakes on him obviously

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As a celebration for Lance getting accepted onto the West Adams Dance team Hunk suggested going to the diner, milkshakes on him obviously. "But seriously you were actually pretty good." Pidge Said. "Other wise they wouldn't have let you in." Lance laughed at Pidge. He grabbed some fries from Matt's plate and ate them. Matt glared at both him and pidge.

"I swear you are the same person." Matt said. Then his gaze moved from them to the door. The sound of a bell ringing suggested someone came inside. "That's my ride." Matt said and he gave his fries to pidge. "See ya tomorrow."

"I don't doubt that." Pidge said and she waved to Shiro who was standing at the door, waiting for matt.

"Shut up." Matt said and he stood up. Lance turned to see shiro give Matt a hug before the two of them left. Pidge stuffed another fry in her mouth and turned, around laying her legs across Lances lap.

"You comfortable?" Lance asked and pidge nodded. He shook his head and took another drink of his milkshake. A loud cheering coming through the door cause pidge and lance to both jump. Pidge accidentally kicked lance, causing him to spit out his drink.

"Sorry!" Pidge laughed out loud at the milkshake dripping down Lances chin.

"Glad to know my pain makes you happy." Lance said and he looked for a napkin. Then hunk handed him one.

"Isn't that guy on of the ones who was judging you today?" Hunk asked. Lance turned his head back to the door where there was a group of guys and a few girls waiting for a table. The one hunk had mentioned was standing in the front of the group, the only one who didn't have a girl attached to his waist like an extra arm.

"Ya. I think he was the student judge. He didn't have a lot to say to me after like the other judges did." Lance said and he turned around when he saw the guys head turn in his direction. He could feel eyes on the back of his head even though he was sure the guy had looked away.

"Who cares what he has to say. The others thought you were great." Hunk said and he stood up. He grabbed Pidges empty fry container and walked over to the garbage.

"Well I should get going." Pidge said. Lance stood up to let her get out of the booth and sat back down. "You're not coming?" Pidge asked.

"Nah. I have a few things I have to do. I'll see you and hunk back home." Lance said and he took another drink from his milkshake.

"Alright. We'll talk later." Pidge signalled to Hunk and they both left.

Lance checked his phone. No New Messages. He thought his parents would have been the littlest bit supportive of his success today but neither of them had responded yet, even though he knew they read his text. Lance put his phone back on the table and stared out the diner window at the sunset.

"You're name is Lance right?" Lance turned his head to see the dark haired guy from earlier standing by his table. He was wearing a black hoodie and his hair fell messily in front of his eyes. Lance looked over to the group of people he'd came in with. They were all watching them. Occasionally glancing away to try making it less obvious that they were watching.

"Uh, ya." Lance said looking back to the guy. "Who wants to know?" He asked and the guy sat opposite of him. Lance sat back and stared at the stranger.

"I'm Keith. I was the student judge at your dance audition today. I don't know if you remember me." The guy said quietly. Lance couldn't tell if it was because he was nervous or because he was trying to keep his nosey friends from listening in.

"I remember. You're the one who wouldn't stop talking." The sarcastic tone in Lances voice made Keith smile. Lance smiled back at him.

"You were probably the best we had all day. I knew if I started to talk to you while you were there I wouldn't have stopped." Keith said. His eyes were examining Lances face the whole time he talked.

"You sure that's the only reason you didn't want to say anything to me?" Lance said catching Keith's eyes, causing him to look away. Lance heard the group Keith had come in with start to snicker. Keith looked over at them and mouthed the words Shut Up.

"You're friends?" Lance said and he raised an eyebrow at them. Most of the guys just stared at them but the girls laughed louder.

"Yah.. they thought maybe I should introduce myself. Since you know... you'll be coming to school with us soon." Keith said when lance turned to face him again.

"That's cool. It was nice talking to you Keith. Maybe I'll see you around school." Lance said. He glanced at the time on his phone and noticed how late it has gotten. The stores were probably closed now. "I really should get going." He grabbed his keys off of the table and nodded to both Keith and his friends before he turned to leave.

Lance walked over to his motorcycle and swung his leg over it. He grabbed his helmet that was strapped to the handle bars and pulled his keys out. Then he tried starting his bike. "What the hell?" Lance muttered when his keys wouldn't fit into the ignition. Then he groaned when he realized he must've grabbed the wrong keys. He looked through the window and saw that Keith had moved back to sit with his friends. They were all laughing at him and he was sitting there with his head in his hands. "He probably has my keys." Lance said to himself and he walked into the diner, taking his helmet off as he walked over to the table.

"Awww Keith it's fine. He's probably not single anyways." Lance heard one of the girls say from the table. He smiled to himself just now realizing what Keith was trying to do.

"Ya. You should have just asked him instead of beating around the bush. Maybe you'll finally stop talking about him now." One of the guys said, then he looked up and saw lance walking towards them. "Ummm heyyy." He greeted lance nervously. Keith turned around to see who he was talking to and turned a dark shade of pink.

"I think I took the wrong keys." Lance said and held out the pair he took. Keith took the keys from lance.

"Oh um thanks." He said turning back to his friends. Lance waited to see if Keith would realize that he had Lances keys. But he didn't.

"I think you have mine." Lance said and he walked closer to the table.

"Right sorry." Keith said and he rummaged around his pockets looking for the keys.

"Here. He gave them to me." Said the guy from before and he held out Lances keys. "Nice bike by the way. Where'd you get it?"

"My brother got it for me when I moved out here." Lance replied and he put the keys in his pocket. Then he saw a waiter walking by and put his helmet down on the table. The whole group stared at him in confusion. "Do you have a pen?" Lance asked the waiter and she quickly gave him one before walking off again. Lance grabbed the napkin that was laying beside Keith and scribbled down his name and a number. "If you had asked me I would've said yes." Lance said and handed Keith the napkin. Keith's friends couldn't mask their surprised expressions as lance said this. Keith took the napkin from him and smiled shyly. Then lance grabbed the helmet off of the table, flashed a smile at Keith and left the diner. Lance looked up while backing out of the parking lot and saw Keith's purple eyes watching him. The same purple eyes he would see everyday from then for many, many years.

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