Chapter Two

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Back on Berk:
When Astrid awoke it was dark out and she could see the full moon above the walls of the cove. Her head was pounding and she put her hand up to her forehead and felt something sticky. When she looked at her hand it was red with blood. Just then the series of recent events came flooding back to her. "Hiccup." She exclaimed she quickly sat up and surveyed the area. Upon further inspection she saw scorch marks everywhere. "No." She thought. It can't be. She searched the area for any sign of Hiccup and the dragon but all she found were a few scales scattered around and Hiccup's dagger in the shallow tide. She finally accepted the harsh reality that Hiccup was gone. She ran back to the village to tell Stoick. She reached Stoick's hut and barged through the door. Inside Gobber and Stoick were seated at the table sharing a drink at the sudden intrusion they both stood up. "Astrid, what's wrong lass?" Stoick said. "And what happened to your head?" Asked Gobber. "Hiccup..." Astrid painted out. "It got Hiccup". At this Stoick's face became hard. "What happened to Hiccup?" He asked. All she managed out was "Dragon." Tears welled up in her eyes as she opened her hands to reveal the scales and Hiccup's dagger. Gobber and Stoick exchanges looks of horror. "Get a search party out! Find my son!" Yelled Stoick. At that Gobber burst out of the house waddling as fast as he could. Stoick stepped close to Astrid. "I'm sorry chief I tried to protect him but..." Astrid tried to explain as tears streamed down her face. "Shhh... it's all right lass I know you did the best you could." He pulled her close soothing her. "But now we need to get out there and find my son." He exclaimed. Astrid nodded at this and they both walked through the door.

The funeral was held four days later. Hiccup was given as close to a proper Viking funereal as he could get since his body had not been found. Stoick had shut himself in his house after calling off the search. The funeral was led by Gobber who after some choked up words about the most honest and caring viking he had ever known fired a flaming arrow into the funeral pyre on the ship. Astrid cried in silence standing amongst her friends Fishlegs, Snotlout, Ruffnut, and Tuffnut as they all watched the ship go up in flames.

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