Chapter Nineteen

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When Snotlout came to he was sitting in the chair in the guest room with Ruffnut, Tuffnut, and Fishlegs standing beside him. I stood across from him with Astrid slightly behind me and to my left. Toothless was napping in my room after I had assured him I would be fine. Everyone but Snotlout stood there conversing however at his groan we all turned our attention to him. Snotlout moved his hand to his jaw where he had a throbbing pain and he felt a large lump. "You're awake." I stated. "How are you feeling?" I asked. "Not great." Snotlout moaned. "But I'll be better when you're dead." He threatened although his swollen jaw made his words far less intimidating. At this I sighed and repeated "I didn't kill your cousin." "Then how did you get this?" Snotlout demanded thrusting out the necklace. I sighed again and took off my helmet. I then looked Snotlout straight in the eyes. "My dad gave it to me." I said with a smirk on my face. Snotlout looked stunned as if someone had hit him but then suddenly he tackled me pulling me into a bear hug. "Hiccup you're alive!" He exclaimed a look of glee on his face. "It's good to see you too Snotlout." I said as my face turned purple due to lack of oxygen. Snotlout set me down beaming and I looked around at the shocked looks on the faces of the twins and Fishlegs. "Allow me to once again properly introduce myself." I said smirking. "Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third, Dragon Master and inventor at your service."

For the next hour or so we sat there as I filled them in on what I hadn't told them previously about my life and how I had gotten to where I am now. Upon finishing they took turns bombarding me with question. From Fishlegs I heard "How many dragons do you have?", "Have you met any new species?", and "Have you trained them all?" To which I responded "five hundred and twelve and counting, yes many of my species aren't in the book of dragons, and no I have trained about three quarters of them officially however even the ones I haven't trained will follow basic commands." The twins went next with Ruffnut saying I was hot and Tuffnut asking which of my dragons was the most destructive. I ignored Ruffnut's comment although Astrid glared at her and said to Tuffnut "I'm not sure I should share that information with you." Finally Astrid asked "Can you teach us to ride dragons?" This question caught me off guard and I was trying to think of a response when I was saved by the bell as a familiar green Gronckle burst into the room tackling me. "Stones!" I exclaimed surprised. "I stood up saying "It's good to see you too girl." I then turned to my guests and smiled at the puzzled looks they gave me. "Do any of you have anything to say to you favorite Gronckle ever?" I asked patting Stones on the nose. They all gave me puzzled looks and Astrid spoke up "Hiccup, what are you talking about?" She asked. "This here is Stones." I said. "And if she's here it means your ride home isn't far off." I explained as I grabbed a piece of paper scribbling a message that explained my current situation and tied it to Stones' leg sending her back to Johann. "Now who's ready to go home?"

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