Chapter Seven

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I arrived at my hut and grabbed the bucket of medicinal herbs I keep stashed in the kitchen and headed back to the hangar. I was met shortly after by Stones who deposited trader Johann at my feet. "Thanks Stones you can go now." I said after I gave the dragon a quick scratch under the chin. The dragon flew away after being dismissed with a smile on her face. I turned my attention to Johann he was breathing weakly and had a long gash on his forehead. I poured some water on his wound and then bandaged it up. I had Toothless carry him to the guest room and lay him down in the bed. Toothless laid down on his stone slab. I double checked that I was wearing my helmet to conceal my face although it has been so long I probably didn't need it. I sat leaning up against Toothless waiting for Johann to wake up.

A few hours later I was sketching in my notebook when I heard Johann stir. I stood up and walked over to him. His eyelids shot open and he looked around disoriented. "Wh-where am I he asked?" " You're at my home." I said looking at him through the slits in my helmet. " Oh my, Mr. Dragon Master how good it is to see you." He said looking at me with a look of both fear and admiration. "I'm glad you're okay Johann." I responded as I leaned up against the wall. "My dear friend if you hadn't brought me here I'm afraid I wouldn't be." He claimed clearly overstating the severity of his situation. "What happened to you." I asked in a concerned. "I was attacked by a bunch of ruffians who stole my cargo and tossed me overboard. Luckily I am a strong swimmer and made it to a beach before I collapsed." "That's where I found you, I brought you back here and bandaged up your head." I explained. He moved his hand up to his forehead where he felt the bandage. "Thank you very much kind sir." He said. " This reminds me of another time when I was traveling the far west of the Archipel..." "Johann." I cut him off. "Do you know who attacked you?" I asked trying to keep him focused on what had happened. " Why yes by the banners they flew it was some Vikings from the Meathead tribe. Have you ever encountered them before a bunch of horribly mannered vikings they actually remind me of a young lad I met while..." "Johann." I said bringing him back to earth. "Are you sure it was the Meatheads?" I asked. "Yes, quite sure." He responded. "Okay, you stay here I'll go and get your stuff back." I said. I whistled loudly and Stones came into the room as fast as she could and ran into a low hanging beam. She stood up dazed and shuffled over to me with an excited look on her face. "Stones stay here and protect Johann." I commanded. "Excuse me Master Dragon Master but I don't think protection is necessary." He said starting to get out of the bed. "Don't worry Johann, Stones won't hurt you and you need to stay here and rest up. Also enough of this dragon master junk from now on call me Stryker." I told him. "Of course Master Stryker although please do hurry." He said eyeing Stones who was laying on the bed with him chewing on he bed post. "I'll be back in a flash."

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