Chapter Ten

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It has been well over two years since I left Berk and a lot has changed. My confidence has grown as being the most feared person in the entire Archipelago typically tends to do that. I had become great friends with Johann who had adopted Stones as his dragon. Johann had even dropped the formal script and acted like a replacement father toward me. I had become infamous as the Dragon Master known throughout the Archipelago as the greatest threat to Vikings in history. I filled my time with training, inventing, drawing, rescuing dragons, and exploring. I was out exploring with Toothless when the storm hit. The rain pelted us and in the distance you could see lightning flash. Not wanting to stay away from home for the night we headed back to Thor's Fist as fast as we could. After flying for a few hours I saw the remains of ship floating in the water. "Come on bud, let's go investigate." I yelled so Toothless could hear me. We dove and he let out that familiar Night Fury whistle. As we got closer I saw five people laying on pieces of driftwood clinging to their only lifeline. "We gotta help them bud." I said. Toothless let out a low growl in agreement. We dove down and one by one scooped them up and deposited on a particularly large piece of driftwood. "Let's take them back home". And with that Toothless picked up the driftwood and we headed back home.

When we finally arrived at our beach the sun was starting to rise. As soon as we landed Toothless passed out from exhaustion. "Nice work bud." I said as I patted him on the head. I then walked over to inspect our new guests. There was something oddly familiar about them but I couldn't quite place it. They were all beaten up covered in cuts and bruises. "We better get you back to the hangar." I said despite them all being unconscious. I scanned our surroundings and saw a red and orange Zippleback sleeping on the beach nearby. I walked over and as I approached the dragon sat up and looked at me with both heads. I held both my hands out and felt two heads press up against them. "Alright, we need to get these guys back to my hut." I said to the dragon as I gestured to the unconscious vikings. The dragon spread its wings and flew over to the vikings scooping them up and then flying off in the direction of my home. I walked back over to se Toothless still lying just where I left him. I nudged him awake and said "I know you're tired bud we just gotta get back to the house then you can get some sleep." Toothless let out a groan of displeasure but allowed me to climb on as we flew back to my hut.

When we arrived in the hangar I saw that the Zippleback had deposited the vikings in a big heap and then left. After we landed Toothless looked at me with tired eyes. "Go ahead bud I'll be right behind you." I said. He let out a low purr of acknowledgement and headed straight for our bedroom. I headed into the kitchen to grab my medical kit and walked back over to the vikings and got to work. One by one I cleaned and patched up their wounds. I then picked one of them up, a girl with long and disgusting blonde hair, and carried her to my guest room where I laid her down on the bed.I then repeated the process with the remaining vikings putting another one on the bed, two in chairs, and left one laying on the ground as he was too large for me to lift and I had needed to drag him to the room in the first place. I then headed back to my room, grabbed my sketch book, and laid down on Toothless' back deep in thought.

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