Chapter Twenty-Two

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This is the last chapter.
This story will continue however in the sequel Return of the Dragon Master.
This chapter will be told in both third and first person point of views.

Third Person Point of View:
Hiccup and Toothless were flying above the clouds as Hiccup tried to clear his head. Hiccup let out a loud yell "AAAAAGHHHHH!" As he slumped back in his saddle Toothless let out a soft purr. Hiccup patted him on the head. "I don't know what I'm gonna do but whatever it is it'll be what's best for us." He said to the dragon. This earned him a warble of approval. They set down on a cliff overlooking the sea. Hiccup sat there near the edge with his legs crossed and one knee pulled close to his chest. He stared at the moon and the stars as the salt water crashed against the cliff below him. After a while he heard footsteps approaching. He turned to see Astrid come trudging up the hill behind him. "Hello Milady." He greeted her as she sat down beside him. "What are you doing all the way out here?" She asked. "Thinking." He responded bluntly. "About?" She pride trying to get him to open up to her. "My life." He said and at her silence continued on "Ever since I left Berk I knew I belonged here." He said. "When I left Berk I felt free." He said allowing her to see deep into his thoughts. "I was free from my dad's expectations, free from the disappointment I brought on the village and on my family, and free from being forced to be someone I wasn't." "For almost three years I was happy." "But then your ship crashed". He said causing Astrid to feel guilty. Could it really be that their arrival had ruined this boy's life. She was about to say something when he broke the silence "I thought I was happy living among dragons because they accepted me for who I was." "But then when I met all of you I realized what I was missing." This shocked Astrid as she had not realized what an impact she and her friends had made on Hiccup. "They way you and your friends laugh and joke and play around, I want that, I want to be apart of something like that so bad." The conflicted boy opened up to her. "But at the same time these dragons are more than pets or allies they're my family and I am more than willing to sacrifice my happiness for their well being." He let out a long sigh and became silent looking at the stars. Astrid was never very good with words but she new she had to try something to help ease Hiccup's conflicted soul. She took his hands in hers and looked him straight in the eyes. "Hiccup when you first went missing I was devastated." She said shocking Hiccup as they had never been close. "I thought I had failed you, and your father, and myself because I couldn't save you from that dragon." She looked at him with the utmost sincerity "Hiccup losing you as a stranger crushed me, losing you now, I could never get past that." They sat their staring into each other's eyes as she said this. "Come back to Berk, she said, show them what you showed me that dragons aren't our enemies." He looked apprehensive at this so she continued "Whatever you decide just know that you don't have to do it alone." At this she pulled him close and kissed him. This shocked Hiccup and for a second he did nothing but then he kissed her back. The two of them sat their locked in each other's embrace for a long time before they broke apart. "Alright, Hiccup said, Let's give this a try." He then leaned in and kissed her again.

Hiccup's Point of View:
The next morning I told Johann my decision to go back with them. "Finally Hiccup, I'm so happy for you." He exclaimed and gave me a hug. I then began to pack my most prized possessions. I didn't take everything though because however this went this would not be my last time at Thor's Fist. As everyone packed up I donned my jet black armor and helm. I then took my mother's necklace and put it around my neck and tucked it into my shirt. "Alright, I told Johann, I'm ready." As he set sail I mounted Toothless and took to the sky. Sensing the importance of our departure all of my dragons fired into the sky causing an explosion as big as the island. I looked out over the ocean with feelings of excitement, dread, anger, and sorrow as I headed home to Berk.

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