Chapter Nine

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Back on Berk:
It has been over two years since Hiccup's death and it was all but forgotten by most of the village. However the memory was still seared into the minds of Astrid, Stoick, and Gobber. Despite this they no longer let it slow them down and seemed to have moved on. Stoick was now training Snotlout to be the next chief, Gobber was hard at work in the forge once again making weapons and producing other metallic goods as well as training the new recruits to face the new enemy. The Dragon Master. He had started as a myth spread by Johann that nobody believed. But that all changed when one day in the middle of the night he rode into Berk on his Night Fury and blasted open the dragon killing arena freeing all of the dragons. Astrid knew that it was the same Night Fury that killed Hiccup, it had to be. So Astrid trained harder and harder everyday so when she faced that Night Fury again she'd be ready.

"Alright lads and ladies who's ready for your last mission as trainees?" Gobber asked Snotlout, Fishlegs, Ruffnut, Tuffnut, and Astrid. They all let their approval be known to their mentor. "Alright, well we just discovered this new island about a week's sail away from here." He said. "Snotlout as future chief you will be leading this mission." Announced Gobber which led to groans from everyone else there. "Silence!" Gobber yelled. "Now, on this mission your goal is to land on the island and survive there for a week with nothing other than a weapon of your choice." Concluded Gobber. At this all of the teens left to get ready except for Astrid who was asked by Gobber to stay back for a chat. "Lass, I know what you're thinking about the Night Fury the Dragon Master rides." Gobber said. "But you need to let it go, killing it won't bring him back and you'll only put yourself in danger." Warned Gobber. " How can I not think about it Gobber?" She said back. "That dragon is a constant reminder of my failure that I was defeated in battle, that I couldn't protect my home, and tha-that I couldn't save him." She said choking up towards the end. "I know lass." Gobber said. "But be careful, sacrificing yourself for that dragon would not be a fair trade." He said. "I know." She responded and walked away to go get packed.

Four days later the young Vikings found themselves trapped in a horrible storm out at sea. "Ruff, quick grab those cables."Snotlout barked. "Tuffnut, climb the mast and look for an end to the storm in any direction. Fishlegs move all loose items below deck so they don't get washed away." He yelled at the top of his lungs just to be heard. "I have to admit he's doing a pretty good job" thought Astrid. Then out of nowhere a bolt of lightning struck the mast splitting it in two and setting the lower spike on fire. The upper mast  fell on to the side of the boat crushing it as water flooded in. A sense of dread hit all of the teens as they realized that this may be the end. "Quick, everyone grab onto some debris!" Yelled Snotlout. "Anything that will keep you afloat." As he said this the boat made a sickening squealing sound and went under the water completely. The rain poured down and lightning lit up the dark ocean around them. They had been floating for hours and they were barely staying above water when they heard a sound that made them livid with fear. The Night Fury whistle could be heard as a black blur darted past Astrid's head. The last thing Astrid heard before slipping into unconsciousness was a dragon's roar.

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