Chapter Fifteen

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A/N: Once again this will be a third person chapter even though Hiccup is in it.

Astrid and Fishlegs were walking down the beach. Astrid was deep in thought thinking about Stryker, Berk, and how to get off this island. Fishlegs however was having the time of his life counting and classifying dragons. Suddenly Astrid spoke " What do you think of Stryker?" She asked. "Who, me?" Fishlegs responded. Astrid rolled her eyes "obviously you Fishlegs." She replied. "Oh, he said, well I'm not really sure I mean he saved our lives and seems like a nice guy but on the other hand he works with our sworn enemies." Said Fishlegs thoughtfully. "Yeah, Astrid agreed, but he's so strange. He is clearly a skilled fighter but never goes looking for a fight." "And how could someone live alone for so long?" All of these unanswered questions were starting to make Astrid's head hurt. "I don't know, Fishlegs replied, and I think if you really want to find the answers you should get closer to him, I mean we have a whole moth here." "Yeah." Said Astrid once again deep in thought. "Well, let's head back." She said. "The sun is starting to get low." And with that the two friends headed back to the hangar.

Hiccup awoke from his nap a few hours later. He rolled over and saw Toothless laying on his bed of stone looking at him. "Hey bud" Hiccup greeted him groggily. The Night Fury let out a soft warble of acknowledgement. Hiccup sat up and decided to go take a bath. He opened his bedroom door to see another person standing down the hall in the kitchen. He quickly slammed the door shut. "I almost forgot they were here." He said to the dragon as he walked over to grab his helmet from his bedside table. While standing there he looked at himself in the mirror. He looked intensely at his own reflection admiring his auburn locks and forest green eyes. This was something he did often as he didn't have much interaction with other vikings. He then put on his helmet and once again opened the door. This time he stepped out and knocked on the bathroom door. When he heard no response he entered and closed the door behind him. He took off all his clothes and slipped into the bath setting his towel on a nearby rock. The warm water relaxed his tense muscles and he let out a long sigh. He sat there contemplating the recent events when the door opened and Astrid walked in. Upon seeing him Astrid went pink in the cheeks. While she took great care to not look at anything below the water she admired the upper half of his body which rippled with lean muscles. She also noticed the various scars all over his body. "Oh...a...s-sorry." She stammered. "I didn't know anyone was in here." At this he noticed her for the first time. He quickly turned away saying "S-sorry, I'll be out in a second." He said grabbing his towel. He the said to her "Could you...a." She blushed even deeper and said "Oh, yeah sorry." She looked away only to hear him climb out of the water. Hiccup wrapped himself in the towel and said "Thank you." At this she turned back and stared at him again. The towel covered from his waist to his shins but she stared at his chest and arms. She couldn't tell how muscular he was when he was wearing his armour and his appearance stunned her. Upon hearing the commotion her friends walked in and their jaws dropped. "Woah..." Ruffnut exclaimed looking at their bare chested host. Uncomfortable with all of the attention in his current situation Hiccup excused himself and headed to his bedroom. What Astrid saw astounded more than any of the previous shocks. Across his back was a giant tattoo of a Night Fury it's wing tips touching his shoulder blades. At this he walked into his room and closed the door behind him.

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