Chapter Eleven

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A/N: Despite Hiccup being in this chapter it won't be told from his point of view but rather by a third person point of view.

About three hours after landing on Thor's Fist Astrid woke up. She opened her eyes and stared at an unfamiliar ceiling. She quickly sat up and scanned the room from the window on her left to the door on her right. What she saw was strange as she saw Ruffnut laying next to her, Snotlout and Tuffnut slumped in chairs by the window, and Fishlegs laying on the ground by the fire place directly across from the foot of her bed. As she continued to turn her head she realized just how large the room was containing a large bed, two chairs, and a large fireplace. She turned to look at her friends who she now saw were all heavily bandaged. The recent events came flooding back to her. She quickly turned and started shaking Ruffnut. "Ruff, Ruff get up." She heard a groan from her friend as she slowly opened her eyes. "Astrid, what are you doing in my bed?" Her tired friend asked puzzled. "We're not in your bed Ruff." Astrid responded looking worried. "I don't know where we are." At this Ruffnut sat up and looked around. "Wait, weren't we all dying in a sinking ship?" Ruffnut asked nonchalantly. "We were." Astrid agreed still wondering what was going on. She was about to speak again when the door opened and a man dressed in all black armor carrying a tray of medical supplies walked in. "Ah, you're awake." He said clearly surprised. "Who are you?" Astrid inquired ignoring his obvious remark. "Oh...a... y-you can call me Stryker." He said suddenly stumbling over his words.."I pulled you from the sea..." He suddenly trailed off as Astrid tried to look at his face through the slits in his helmet. Hiccup stared into those ocean blue eyes mesmerized by them. They were the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen and they seemed so familiar. He finally placed it he knew his connection to her. "A-Astrid?" He said in disbelief.

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