Chapter Twelve

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A/N: Back to Hiccup's point of view.

A-Astrid?" I said in disbelief. Astrid's brow furrowed as she looked at me. "How do you know my name?" She asked. I quickly covered it up. "Your... uh... your friend over there he asked me to take care of you first when you arrived. He mentioned your name." As I said this I gestured to Snotlout who was passed out and snoring in the corner. "Ooohhhkayy." She said although the look in her face suggested she didn't fully believe it. "What?!" Ruffnut exclaimed. "He didn't mention anything about me?!" At that she stood up walked over to Snotlout and kicked the sleeping viking hard enough in the crotch that it hurt me. "Ooofff." Was all that came out of Snotlout's mouth as he keeled over holding his lower region in pain. All of the commotion woke Tuffnut and Fishlegs. "What happened to Snotlout?" Tuffnut asked. "And where are we?" Fishlegs chimed in. At this they all turned to me. "Hello, I said, I'm Stryker, this is my home I brought you hear after I pulled you out of the sea." I explained to the now awake three male vikings. Snotlout had finally stood up and upon looking at me said with a pained expression on his face "What's with the mask?" Before I could answer Fishlegs interjected "How'd you pull us from the sea we were nowhere near the shore?" "Well.. um.. you see I..." I was interrupted by a loud crash from outside the door. "What was that?" They all chorused. Before I could react my pain in the neck Night Fury pushed the door open and strode into the room. This was greeted by shouts of "Dragon", "Get down", and "Watch out". Toothless started growling and bared his teeth. I let out a long sigh as I realized I was the only one still standing. "Back down bud." I said. At this Toothless sat back on his haunches giving our guests a curious look. I looked at the faces of the vikings which were all a mixture of shock, horror, and confusion. Astrid was the first to react. "You!" She yelled as she stood up. "You're the Dragon Master." Her face twisted into a snarl of anger. At this she attacked me while all of her friends scrambled to their feet still in shock. "Aaaagggghhhh!" She yelled as she charged me. I let out another long sigh dodging her first blow and catching her second in my hand. I then swept out her legs causing her to fall flat on her back. She tried to kick me while laying on the ground. At this I just stepped back forcing her to stand up if she wanted to come after me again. As she scrambled to her feet I became bored and annoyed so I picked her up one handed by her upper arm and pressed her hard against the bed. This did not hurt her but she couldn't move or break my grip. I then shifted my grip putting her in an arm bar while she was still bent over the bed. "Do you yield?" I asked. "Never!" She snarled. Once again I sighed and said "Toothless." In a bored tone. The dragon then walked over to her and laid down on top of her completely immobilizing her and covering her up accept for her flailing right arm. "We need to work on your timing bud." I said. Then looking up at the other vikings I asked "Anyone else?" They just stood there with wide open jaws. "No? Good, now back to the helmet I wear it to conceal my identity." I plainly stated. "Y-you're the Dragon Master." Fishlegs said dumbfounded. "Ah, yes, let me properly introduce myself I am Stryker Lord of the Dragons." At this Toothless made a noise and flared at me. "Correction, I said, Lord of all Dragons except this one." At this Toothless let out a warble in agreement.
"Now are any of you hungry?" I asked.

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