Chapter 1

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I wrote this when I was 12- the first fanfic I've ever published- and I was so cringy I'm cryinnnggggg please click out of this, idk why people are still reading this mess FIVE YEARS LATER LIKE DUDE IM 17 NOW THIS IS OLD AS HELL!!!!

anyway I'm just warning y'all that it's really bad and you're wasting your time so just go ahead and turn away from this.... seriously, go. If you're still gonna read this then i can't be responsible for you hating it. I warned you.

Aight go ahead I guess. Damn you're brave.

Seriously this fic is terrible.

Why are you still here??

Okay fine read it.

Hello, Lovies! My name is Jazzella Morgan. Yes I know, weird first name, right? My friends call me Jazz or Ella. I prefer Jazz. I'm seventeen years old, beautifully born on June 11! I have two CRAZY little sisters, Emma and Eliza, and one older brother, Mark. My parents are doctors, and they're always out of the country on 'important business', so I don't get to see them often. I haveb't seen them in six years. :( But anyway, I have Dark brown, almost blcak, hair. It gets frizzy when wet, so I don't go swimming. Therefore, I don't know how to swim. I have light brown colored skin, green/grey eyes, and an award winning smile! :D <------See? LOL. Anyway, people talk about One Direction. They're cool and all, I like thier music, but, I don't see the big deal. Oh well. I gotta skedaddle!! BYE BABES!!

(Now it's 2014- I wrote this when I was 12- I was major carrot I'm so sorry Lmfao)

Chapter 1

I walked down the street after school with my friends Amy and Maddie, with my IPod on full blast playing This Little Girl by Cady Groves. We were singing along, dancing like fools, when my brother called.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey Jazz. Emma and Eliza want to watch a movie. Could you come home?" Mark said.

"Why can't you watch it with them?" I asked. I was supposed to go to the mall with my buds..

"I have to go out and get my college papers from the dorm office." he was a junior in college, and he was so smart that he was graduating early. Lucky dog.

"Fine, okay. Can Amy and Maddie come over?" I pleaded.

"Yeah, just don't go in my room. Bye." he hung up.

"You guys can come home with me! Let's go!" I took their hands and dragged them to my front door. As soon as I opened it, to pairs of little arms were wrapped aroung me. "JAZZY! YOU'RE HOME!" they yelled. I picked the two twins up in my arms and walked to the living room.

"Hey you terrible two's! Did Mark leave already?" I asked them. "Yes. Can we watch Finding Nemo?" Eliza asked me. Mark should really have waited until I had gotten home before leaving.

"NO! I want to watch Toy Story 3!" Emma said. They started to argue about what to watch, then I got an idea.

"Eliza, go watch Finding Nemo in your room. Emma, watch Toy Story 3 in the den. Problem solved! Go, be happy!" I said, ushering them to their designated T.V areas. I plopped down on the couch next to Amy and Maddie.

"Want to check our Twitters?" Amy suggested while taking her lap top out of her bag.

"Sure, why not?" Maddie and I said. Amy pulled up her Twitter first. She pouted. "No news about One Direction! Darn it- Oh wait, they just tweeted!" she started jumping up and down.

"LEMME SEE!!" Maddie screamed and ran over to sit by Amy. They both started shrieking like banshees in my ear.

"What the hell is wrong with you two!? I'm pretty sure you just popped my ear drum!" I asked them, clearly irritated.

"One Direction is holding a contest! They're going to make separate anonymous accounts on Twitter and follow one random person. Whoever is followed by them, they get three V.I.P tickets to their exclusive concert in seven months! EEP!! I HOPE IT'S ME!" Amy explained.

I was disappointed. That was all? I like their music, but just not them. They're just normal people! .... That just so happen to be famous. Whatever. I couldn't fan girl if I had seen them in person anyway. I didn't even know what they looked like. "So the exciting part is...?" I asked.

They both glared at me. And I mean glared. "Sorry. I will step out of the war zone, and into the kitchen." I got up from the couch and skipped off to my favorite part of the house and got some Oreos from the cupboard. Yum, Oreos!! My phone ringer went off. It was a notification from Twitter.

You have five new followers.






Huh, new followers are cool. I followed them all back. I started singing the Oreo song and danced around the kitchen while eating them. Amy and Maddie came into the kitchen and took my pack of Oreos, then ran out. "HEY! GET BACK HERE WITH MY BABIES!!" I yelled after them. I chased them down the hall and to the indoor pool. They were holding them over the water. "You wouldn't dare."

"Oh, wouldn't we?" Maddie said slyly, then dropped them into the water.

"NOO!! YOU MONSTERS!! HOW COULD YOU?!" I screamed, and ran to the edge of the water. I dropped down to my knees and reached in to grab the Oreos. When I took them out of the pool, the package was all soggy. I took my phone out of my pocket and took a pic of me and the soggy Oreos, while I was making a pouty face. I tweeted this-

This is what happens to your favorite cookie when you don't give two shits about pop stars, contests, and tweets. BEWARE. :P

I looked at my friends and gave them a 'look what you did' face, and trudged back to the kitchen and threw my babies away. So sad :'(

I got more notifications from Twitter.

@flirt_master500- @Jazzy's_got_Oreos: Lol, sorry for your loss, love.

@mirrors_for_life- @Jazzy's_got_Oreos: Ooh, I know how you feel. I got my mirror thrown away yesterday. It was a trajic sight.

@carrot_king234- @jazzy's _got_Oreos: That's like getting my carrots eaten by my Hazza. Just heart wrenching.

@nando_dude- @Jazzy's_got_Oreos: Well, now you're Jazzy_had_Oreos! Get it? Oh, nevermind.

@toy_story_toughness646- @Jazzy's_got_Oreos: Ooh, I wouldn't eat those Oreos.

These followers were cool. They understood my love for the delicious cookie. Amy and Maddie apologized then left. Mark came home arounf seven o'clock. He tucked Emma and Eliza in, then I went to bed.

And It All Started With... Twitter? (Liam Payne Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now