Sorry guys, ILY

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Heeeeeyyyy. I bet you guys are really mad at me :(. I didn't do those changes to the story, BUT ONLY BECAUSE I just graduated and I'm sorting things out.

I can't continue this story. I have huge writer's block. I started writing this when I was twelve, and now I'm fourteen (just had a birthday- WHOOP). I can't think of anything for this story.

Trust me, I feel like crud. I put a lot into AIASWT. I feel so bad about stopping it. But I just can't continue it!

I thought about having someone else complete it, but that would mean giving out my password. And that's a NO.

So I'm very sorry, cakes. I love this story. I hope you all have loved this story. Sorry about putting you guys on hiatus without warning. Goodbye..

Jazz- Bye guys! Thanks for reading!

Liam- Goodbye, loves.


Louis- NEVER! Bye readers!

Niall- *too busy making out with Amy*

Amy- *too busy making out with Niall*

Cathy- Bye bye readers!

Zayn- See ya. I'm gonna go nap and be attractive.

BYE!! Love you!

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