Chapter 26

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(A/N THis chapter is going to be short because people keep RUSHING ME TO UPDATE! -_- It's your own fault this chappie isn't long. Just saying. I have a life outside of Wattpad, you know. And school is starting back. I'm not going to be updating 24/7, so GIVE ME A BREAK! And I have writer's block for this story. Don't like it? Hold this while I go look for a fuck to give. Excuse my French, but it kind of gets annoying when people bug me tp update all of the time. You cakes know I love you, but I don't always have time to update. I'll update more often when the writer's block is gone. Now that this matter has been addressed, ON WITH THE STORY!)

Jazz's P.O.V

Three weeks Liam and I have gotten off of the bus to Splitsville have passed. After our little "argument" that night, Liam left. I haven't seen him since then. I was worried sick about him. Nobody had seen or heard from him. Cathy was confused to if he was ever coming back, the boys were worried because he hadn't been going to recordings, and everyone was on edge. I had started to believe that he had gone to Tessly. It's all my fault; I told him to. I was so stupid!

I was sittting on the couch with Cathy, Sarah, Amy, Ariel, and Frankie. The T.V. was on, but no one was watching it. Frankie was on her laptop, Cathy was playing with her dolls, Ariel was texting Harry even though THEY WERE IN THE SAME HOUSE (new couple stuff. XD), Amy was eating, and Sarah was asleep. She stayed up all night with Zayn *winkwink*. I was just staring at the screen.

Soon, a news report came on that caught my eye. Liam was sitting in front of the bookstore (my favorite place in the world). I turned the volume up.

"...Liam Payne, member of the popular boyband One Direction, is sitting outside of Borders, a bookstore on Lake Street. He said he refuses to leave until she forgives him. Liam, who is 'she'?" the reporter asked.

"Jazz Morgan. I screwed up, and we broke up. I miss her so much, but she won't let me explain what happened. I'm not leaving until she comes down here and forgives me." he said.

"But why are you sitting in front of a bookstore?"

"This is her favorite place."

"Care to explain what exactly happened?"

"My ex girlfirend happened. SHE kissed ME, and then Jazz saw... I don't love Tessly, I love Jazz. I just want her back."

"That's so sweet. Anything else you want to say?"

"Actually, yes. Jazz, if your watching this, I'm so so so so sorry. I love with you with all my heart, and I want you to know that you're the only one for me."

I shut the T.V. off. Everybody was looking at me. Well, not Sarah. She was STILL asleep.

"Are you going down there?" Ariel asked.

"I don't know. Should I?" I said.

"He obviously loves you. He's been sitting outside of a bookstore for the past three weeks! Girl, go get your man back!" Frankie exclaimed.

"Way to ruin the loveable moment, Frankie." Amy said with a mouth full of M&M's. I swear, she runs on those things. "Anyway. I'm still mad at him. Why didn't he just push Tessly off of him if he doesn't love her?"

We all went silent. "Good question."

"See. Amy the love doctor has all the answers." she cracked her knuckles.

We rolled our eyes. "I think you should go down there." Ariel said. "Even if you don't forgive him. Think about the band and the fans."

"True that, sistah. Jazz, just follow your heart. Or your head. Whichever speaks louder." Frankie said.

And It All Started With... Twitter? (Liam Payne Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now