Chapter 21

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Jazz's P.O.V ~the next morning~

Out of both of my parents, if I had to choose the one I loved the most, it would be my father. My father loved me to bits. I'll admit it, I was a Daddy's Girl. When I was about three years old and up until the time I was eleven, my dad would always get me something. He would go on business trips of course, but when he came back he would have a present for me. It would either be a stuffed animal, a bracelet, or something from the country he went to. He was family man; he would try to take days off to spend time with me and Mark. He would come to my dance performances and go to Mark's football, soccer, and basketball games. And when he couldn't come, he would get us presents as an apology.

My mom was a whole different story. She hated me. Well, I wouldn't say she hated me, she just didn't love me as much as she loved Mark. She was definetly a soccer mom; always went to Mark's games. She never came to my performances. She thought that dancing wouldn't get me anywhere in life. My dad was the one to cheer me on. I had good grades in school, but not as good as Mark's. If I even got one B, my mother would make me stay home from a dance rehearsal. Mark got all A's. I hate my mom with a burning passion.

When I woke up everybody else was still asleep. Liam was sleeping in my bed, as he always did. His arm was lazily draped across my waist. I gently pushed his arm off and got up. I walked downstairs and checked the mail. Ads, sales papers, magazine subscriptions....letter. And it was addressed to me. I tore open the letter- it was from my dad!

Dear Jazz,

I have great news- we're coming to visit! We got a break from the assignment in Australia and your mother and I decided that we should stop by. It'll be a short visit, we only have two weeks to relax. We'll be staying at the hotel over in the next town from your house. We should be there by Sunday so we'll stop by on Monday. I have a surprise for you as well!

See you then,


I let the letter drop from my hands. My parents were coming to visit. They didn't know about Liam and I getting married, or that I have a daughter, or that I died and came back to life. Telling them something as big as THAT? What a family reunion. I couldn't believe they were coming. Why not just Dad? It would be a lot easier with only him instead of him and Mom. I was NOT in the best mood for listening to my mothercomment on every little itty bitty thing I do. AND, she would go crazy on the fact that I was getting married. She would go all wedding planner on me. I had met Liam's parents, and they were totally nice. But Liam had never met my parents.

"Morning love." Liam had come downstairs and was standing next to me. "What's that?" he picked up the letter off of the floor. "So...parents coming to visit?"

"Sadly. Why do they have to come?" I groaned.

"They're your parents. They have a right to see you." he kissed my cheek.

"I know that. It's just my mother that I'm worried about. She's always telling me what I'm doing wrong." I said.

"Just show her what you can do right." he said.

"Like I haven't tried that. She just doesn't love me as much as she loved Mark." I shrugged.

"Come on, I don't think that's true." he nudged me. "She probably"

"Exactly. You have no excuse for it and neither do I. You can ask Amy, she's been a witness to it." I said.

"You're over reacting!" he sang.

I rolled my eyes and walked into the kitchen. Coffee...I wanted coffee. But Harry was asleep and was the only one who could make a mean cup of Joe. Only a fool would wake Harry up just to make coffee. I ran a hand through my hair. Two days. I had two days until Mom and Dad came. This was going to be a visit to hell.

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