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Anabelle's POV
The ride to Logan's house was very quiet. The music was off, everything was dark, and all you heard was our breathing and the sighs that'll escape Logan's mouth here and there. I didnt bother asking what was wrong.

Once we arrived, Logan shut the door and went up to his room. I was left standing by the front door, alone. I walked to the kitchen and and saw a mess on the island. There was a mixture of boxes and food. I was then distracted by a little dog running at me. Kong.

"Hey, little one." I said and picked him up. His little tongue stuck out his mouth a little and I cuddled him in my arms. Out of the blues, Kong started to bark and I quickly set him down. I looked towards the direction that the dog ran and see Logan standing there, wearing Maverick Joggers with no shirt. I look away, not wanting to stare at his built body. I heard Logan chuckle.

"You okay?" he asks and I nod. 

"Yeah." I said growing the courage to look up at him.

His eyes, Ana. His eyes.

"Alright. Well, I'd let you go home but I kind of want to take advantage of the time that I have the house alone and to myself and have you sleep over. What do you say?" Logan says and my eyes widen of the thought of actually sleeping over at Logans house.

"I have no clothes." I said.

"Thats why I have the Maverick Merch Store that is mixed with men, women, and unisex clothing. Come on, Anabelle. You cant get yourself out of this one. Please?" Logan says as he adorably sticks his bottom lip out like a little child.

" Alright." I say and Logan jumps, grabbing my hand and making me follow him up to his room.

Logan's room is not huge, but not small. Just about the right size. On the side was a cage with his bird, Maverick, and his king size bed lined up perfectly against the wall, facing a flat screen TV. Logan crawls into his bed and pats next to him. I lay down and when I knew it, we were watching his movie, The Thinning. The movie was intense and had much action. My heart was jumping with excitement to see what would happen next. At some point, I was so into the movie that I didnt even notice Logan was holding me in his arms. When I did notice, I couldnt help but feel comfortable and right. My head was laying down on his chest. I could hear his heartbeat. On the other hand, Logan did a circular motion with his finger tip on my arm and pulled me closer. 

When the movie ended, the whole room went dark before it could have some light again when the movie started showing the credits at the end.

"...what now.." Logan said after staring at the TV for a few moments.

"I dont know." I sit up. I look into his beautiful eyes. "What else is there to do?"

"I dont know, you tell me." Logan said in a soft voice and I looked down, finally bringing up the subject that I was avoiding all night.

"Why did you get so upset when you saw Jake and I?" The room went silent. Logan looked away from me. I couldnt tell what he was thinking.

"Anabelle..I was just- well. I dont know how to tell you without making everything sound so weird." Logan said and I shrugged with a smile.

"Just tell me."

"I like you."

My heart dropped. Those words could not have come out his mouth. I looked at Logan in shock, not knowing what else my stupid self could say or even do. Logan looked at me, searching for a reaction. But, I was scared that I'd make him regret telling me the truth. 

"I'm sorry-" he started but was cut off by my lips meeting his. I pulled away and looked at Logan. He pulled me closer and our lips met again, moving slowly against each other. My hands made their way to his neck and his gripped my waist. The connection that was between us was something that was hard to describe. All I knew was that it was wonderful.

"I like you too" I finally said as the kiss broke and I see a smile form on his lips. Our foreheads were against each other.

"That's all I needed to hear." Logan said.


My phone woke me up the next morning. I untangled myself from Logan's arms and grabbed my phone, answering a call from my brother.

"Hey, whats up, Gerber." I said whispering.

"Why are you so quiet?" he says and I roll my eyes as I left the room, shutting the door. 

"Sorry." I said heading down to the Merch Store.

"I was just calling to ask where you at because you sure as hell are not at you place."

"How do you know that?" I asked grabbing a pair of joggers.

"I am standing at the door and I've been knocking for almost 5 minutes. Where you at, sis." Gerber says into the phone. I sigh.

"I am at a friends house." I say and grab along a Maverick Shirt.

"Is this friend a guy?" Gerber says dragging out his sentence at the end.

"Ugh. Over protective bro alert. " 

"I was just asking. Sassy ass." I laugh at this response.

"You can come to where I am at though. Only if you wan to." I said and I hear Gerber start his car on the other end of the phone.

"Yeah. Send me the address." he said and I nodded, even though he couldnt see me.

"Will do" I said.

We hanged up after a few minutes and I sent him the address. I changed into my picked out clothes and went into the kitchen, picking up the mess that was made and left. I hear Kong come down the stairs and run into the kitchen, then stopping at the back door. I opened it for him and he quickly rushed out. I giggled and finished cleaning the kitchen. 

Half an hour later, I am washing dishes and swaying my hips to some low music that I had put on. I wash a dish, then dry. Wash, dry. I stopped once I heard someone clear their voice. I turn around and see Logan standing there, watching me.  I looked down and turned off the water. 

"You cleaned my kitchen?" he said with a small laugh. 

"I mean, it was dirty." I said and he nodded, walking over to me. 

"Thank you, baby." Logan said and pecked my lips once. I looked at him in shock and I see him smile as he kisses me again. Both of his hands trap me by the sink and I pull him closer by his neck.

"Logan, did you-" we heard behind us and see Lydia standing there with widen eyes. Logan pulls away and I turn red. Lydia starts running away.

Logan's POV
Leaving Anabelle in the kitchen, I follow Lydia out the front door.

"Lydia. What's wrong? Lydia!" I called and she finally turned around before she could open her car door.

"What, Logan. What!" she yelled as I took a step back, surprised by her anger.

"What's wrong? Why are you so mad?" 

"Why is she in the house, AGAIN." Lydia said and I sighed.

"Because after Jake's party, I asked her to stay. Why? Is that such a big deal?" I said raising my voice as well.

"I just dont understand why she always had to be here. I dont understand why she always has to be near you. Also, what the fuck were you doing kissing her?"  Lydia said.

"Alright, Lydia. Let me be the first to tell you that this is my house and I can do whatever the fuck I want to do in it with whoever I want to do it with. I dont know why you dislike Anabelle but thats your problem and you need to fix it before you never step foot in my house again. Bye." I said and walked inside my house, slamming the door shut. I then heard her car ride off.

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