The Beach

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Logan's POV
Me and Anabelle have been closer since last night. The morning felt more refreshed and the house felt like there was more company than just me.

Anabelle seemed happy as well, but the look in her eyes showed otherwise. They showed fright, she was scared. Of what? I still have yet to find out.

Brendan and Evan were home and they were filling something for their channels. Brendan was filmed me as I walked around the house and explained our duties for today. First things first, we had to eat.

Me, Ana, Brendan, and Even headed to the other side of town and went to Anabelle's former job, the diner. Her boss ended up calling and saying that Anabelle was missing too many work days and couldn't continue working at the diner. Ana, on the other hand, could care less about that job. She loved being free from too many angry costumers and wrong order and receiving the blame for something she didn't do.

In other words, her ex boss did her a huge favor.

We enter through the doors of the diner and quickly get helped by a waiter. We order our food and sit down, chatting and vlogging for a bit, waiting for a food to come.

Out of the blues, we heard a woman yell and then the crashing of glass. Our heads turned towards a corner booth that had a woman and man. The woman was yelling at him and the man just covered his face, embarrassed by the unwanted attention.

"You cheater!! How dare you fuck another girl!!" The woman last said before starting to walk away.

As she started to pass by our table, I grabbed Anabelle and pulled her closer. The stranger looked at us, then just Ana. Her eyes looked down at Ana's hand that has her engagement ring.

"You." The stranger said." You two are crazy for getting married." She said and stormed out the diner.

The diner was silent for a few moments before the crowd started to talk again. Anabelle looks at all 3 of us before laughing.

"Wow. She was really heartbroken." She said and I nodded. Brendan eyes me and right there and then, I knew that he wasn't thinking anything good.

After breakfast, we ended up going to the beach, where we will be meeting up with brother Jake and Erika. I set up my vlogging camera on a stand that is set near my steering wheel.

"Alright, Logang. So we, me, Ana, Brendan, and Evan, are heading to the beach to get some dope things filmed and have so fun. Leggo!" I said and shut off the camera.

On our way over there, Brendan was on his computer editing a video, Evan was listening to music with his headphones on, and Anabelle had her head against the window, looking out to the passing cars. The sun that shines in through the car window shined against her highlight of her makeup.

As we arrived, I saw Jake's car there and I parked next to him. Everyone got out the truck and greeted Jake and Erika. As we walked over to the water, me and Jake started to vlog again.

Soon, there were drones flying up in the air getting some footage of the water and our bodies running on the sand.

We all got into the water as Brendan was busy controlling the drone to our direction safely. Anabelle was on my back and Erika was on Jake's. We ended up dropping the girls in the water, causing them to splash water at us.

Me and Jake cut the vlogs with our outro and then I helped Brendan with putting the camera equipment in my truck. As we were heading back to where everyone else was, Brendan pulls me back.

"Yo, what's up, bro?" I said looking at Brendan with concern.

"What went on back at the diner." He said.

"What about it?" I asked.

"Logan, I know that you love Anabelle so fucking much, bro. But are you sure that you are ready for such a big step? This is marriage we are talking about. You are playing with your future by doing this." Brendan says. I'm almost sure that he is joking with me, but the tone of his voice says otherwise.


"Listen to me, Logan. She's an amazing girl and I know you want to protect her from this cruel world. She's been in and out of hell and I know you want to save her from her dark mind, but you can always do so by doing something else. What if your marriage ends up like that lady's back at the diner? You never know. An incident already happened like that-" Brendan said but I cut him off.

"Wait wait. Are you also saying that I cheated on Anabelle? Are you also going to give me shit for that?" I said and Brendan shakes his head.

"No, Logan. Just think about it. Is this really what you want?" He last said and walked off.

I looked over at Anabelle who was writing in a journal as she sat on the sand, looking at the water here and there.

I thought this is what I wanted. That is why I did it.

Anabelle's POV
To whom this may concern,
I know it's wrong to expect something that may not even occur, but there's a difference, I know this will occur. That is why I write this in advance.

This is my last letter..

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