A Letter

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Anabelle's POV
"I'm being discharged tomorrow?" I said to the doctor who was sitting in front of my hospital bed.

"That is correct. I thought you'd take these news more positively Ms. Cassity. " the doctor said and I sighed before forcing a smile.

"Yes. I am happy to hear that. Dont get the wrong idea."

The doctor looks at me suspicious. I see in his eyes that he knows something is up, but I will never tell. Finally, he looks down at his clipboard and gets up from his chair.

"Well, be prepared, Ana and also, where is your fiance? Logan could make that frown go upside down." the doctor said with a smile, making me smile in return.

Everyone in the hospital knows Logan by now. I have been here a month and there has not been a day where Logan has not been spotted sitting in my room or vlogging in the hallways or even talking with random people. Most nurses love him. Others think he is quite annoying, but even Logan agrees to that.

"You see, even saying his name makes your face light up. I can tell you really love the guy. He's lucky." the doctor said and I giggled.

"Yes, I do." I said and with a smile, he walked out of my bedroom.

The smile was still wide on my face for a few more moments until I remembered that I was being discharged tomorrow. For a while, I wanted that. But after I received that weird message, in which I still assume was Lydia who sent it, I have been hoping that I can stay here longer. Though, I gained the weight faster than most anorexic people would. I have been eating a lot because Logan encourages me to eat. As much as that is a good thing, I would have hoped for the weight to pile on a little later.

Minutes later, my door opened and I see Logan walk through the door. I smiled again.

"Hiiii" I said and he pulled out roses from behind his back. My gasped and jumped in excitement.

"Oh my gosh! They are beautiful!" I said as Logan gave them to me.

"Like you" he said and I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Cheesy ass" I said and he laughed.

Logan sits on the edge of my hospital bed and looks at me as I sniff the scent of the roses.

"What?" I said noticing his stare.

"I heard the good news. Are you excited?" He asked and I shrugged.

"In a way." I said and set the roses on the little table next to me.

"What do you mean? Do you really want to stay in this rat hole?" Logan said and I laughed.

"No. It's just I'm scared-"

"Of relapsing?"

"No. That's the less of my worries. I have you and if I have you, then I am okay. But...well let me just show you" I said as I grabbed my phone and started pressing buttons on my phone.

I opened my messages and tap of the message I had received last night. I turned my phone so that the screen was facing Logan. He grabbed my phone and read the messages. His eyes became dark and his face stiffen.

"This was last night?" Logan asked, facing me and I nod. He shook his head and gave me my phone back.

"Dont worry about that. It's probably fake and even-"

"But what if it's real, Logan" I said and he breathed.

"Even if it was, I won't let that happen." Logan said and I look down with tears forming in my eyes.

I felt his arms wrap around me as I started to cry. Not because I was sad, but because I was scared. You never know what is true and fake.


It was around 9 at night. Logan was gone, once again. I was sitting in my hospital room with no sound and with a lamp to shine the room.

As I'm trying to fall asleep, I start to feel uneasy; uncomfortable in my own skin. I moved my body and groan. I become annoyed and frustrated inside.

They are going to get you. Kill you.

The door opened. My eyes opened widely to see a nurse walk in with a white envelope in hand.

"This was delivered for you, Ana." She said handing it to me and then walking out my room.

I opened the envelope and pull out a white paper. I opened the folded paper and see printed letters.

Keep in mind that you will D I E. Don't listen to your little wannabe boyfriend. He is just trying to be your superhero when clearly, he isn't shit. He isn't a "savage" or a "maverick". He lost all of that when you came in the picture. You took that away from him.


Not only are you toxic to yourself, you are toxic to those around you. But I'll be doing everyone a favor when I end you.

You will, and I mean will, die.

No one will have the chance to save you. Because no one can save Anabelle Casitty.


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