"She has more than that."

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Logan's POV
I was slowly driving down the road from Jake's house, knowing that if I'd press the gas from anger, I'd probably end up messing up more than I already did.

The music was low, barley even able to be heard. The only thing that could be heard was the tires that were running on the road and the wind hitting against the Yeti. All along with my sobbing.

I couldnt believe that my own brother hates me and wont even let me see Anabelle. I could understand if it was because he doesnt want her to get hurt, but I am not that stupid. I know the real reason he doesnt want me near her.

Jake likes Anabelle and it was never no secret. 

Ever since he met her, it has been all eyes on Anabelle even after I told him I loved her. He didnt care. He wants what he wants. But he wins what he wins and believe me, I'll make sure he doesnt win Anabelle. She deserves better.

The fact that Ana ran to Jake hurts. What she said that night the whole incident happened still hurts. I havent forgotten and I know it's going to be hard doing so. 

As I was coming to a stop, I saw and heard the sirens of an ambulance from a distance. I braked fully and stopped. That is when I saw a white and red ambulance come running fast up the road and speeding past me. I turn back and see that he is heading back to Jake's house. I hear my phone ring and see Jake's contact pop up. I quickly answer it and place the phone against my ear.

"Logan. I fucked up." Jake breathes out with panic in his voice.

"What happened, Jake. What did you do." I said starting to panic myself and I hear some radio numbers on Jake's side of the phone.

"Jake. What. Happened." I said once again and Jake breaths out.

"Anabelle is being taken to the hospital. After you left, I said something and she grabbed her chest and fell at the stairs." he says and I feel as if the time is going in slow motion.

Without even saying goodbye, I hanged up and started making a U-Turn. I rush back to Jake's house and once I got to the now opened gate, I parked and got out from my truck leaving the door opened. I see a stretcher being carried out of Jake's house with Anabelle on it. She is connected to a breathing mask and is strapped down. I run over to the stretcher and move along with the guys pulling her.

"Baby, what happened?" I whispered with a tear falling down my face. I stroked her cheek as I look at her closed eyes.

"Sir, would you-" started the paramedic but Jake comes up behind me just as they start loading Anabelle in the ambulance.

"I'll go with her." Jake says and I look at him with anger.

"Only one person can ride with her." says the paramedic and Jake looks at me with slight fear.

"You did this." I said before pulling myself up the ambulance and seeing Jake's face through the window of the ambulance doors.

I grabbed Anabelle's hand as I sat down next to her on an available seat. The paramedic moves things around, connecting Ana to more wires.

I felt as if I had stopped breathing. I felt out of control. I felt guilty and this was the biggest cost.

You are such a disappointment.

In a heartbeat, we arrived at the hospital. They unloaded Anabelle and we headed inside. As I was about to follow them through the double doors, a nurse holds me back.

"Sir, I am going to need you to stay here. " She said kindly and I shook my head and sighed in annoyance.

"No. You don't understand. She needs me." I said trying to move past the nurse.

"She will be well taken care of. You will hear from her again, don't worry." She said and let the double doors close behind her, leaving me outside in the waiting room.

Many things ran through my mind as I made my way to a chair. I was surprised, shocked, and scaried all together. Anabelle has changed a lot since the last time I saw her. But I never really planned on seeing her again in a hospital.

What the fuck did you do, Jake?

Jake and his crew had arrived at the hospital minutes later. We were now all waiting for Anabelle and news into what happened to her.

I sat 2 seats away from Jake. I didn't really want to talk to him. I honestly wanted to choke him. He has done much pain and damage to not just me, but to everyone at this point. I am not saying I haven't either but it just makes me upset that he killed 2 birds with one stone, as people say.

Finally, the doctor came out.

"I am looking for a Jake Paul?" He says and everyone stands up.

"I'm Jake." Jake says stepping forward. The doctor nods and looks at all of the faces that were looking at him. 

" Who can I speak to about all of this? Is there a family member?" The doctor asked and everyone looked at each other and then finally shook their head.

"I'm Logan Paul, sir. She lives with me. " I said and Jake gives me a glare. The doctor smiles and nods. 

"Alright then. Come with me, Mr. Paul." The doctor said. I followed him down a hall and into an office.

The office was small, comforting, and decorated in a near way. Files laid on the brown wood desk and pictures frames were on the corners of the desk as well. I sat down on one of the blue seats that were in front of the doctors desk. The doctor took his.

"So, we are here to discuss about Ms. Anabelle Cassity?" He says in a question and I let out a nervous laugh.

" I would hope so. " I said

"Well, tell me what you know." He says and I nod.

"Well, Anabelle has no family here but her older brother. She struggles with an eating disorder called Bulimia and for the moment, she was staying with my brother, Jake. " I said and the doctor nods.

"Well, she has more than that."

My hearts stops beating for a moment before it starts to beat again. At this point, I am confused and too concerned.


"Logan, Anabelle had a heart attack and could have died. Now, she has survived that but I myself am surprised that she is alive due to her being so weak. She has no nutrients in her system and no vitamins. Logan, I'm afraid Anabelle has more than the case of Bulimia. She has anorexia. "

I was taken back by the other bigger word.


"But how is that possible, she doesn't look-"

"Logan, it's not all about looks. She has a bad eating disorder and clearly, she is unhappy with herself or something else. She is too thin for a 20 year old. Unhealthy thin."

This is all your fault. If you wouldn't have screwed up in the first place, she wouldn't be this way.

"When can I see her?"

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