Where's Anabelle

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Anabelle's POV
I have changed my hair, gotten out of bed, eaten, etc etc and yet I still feel like crap. My eyes hurt from crying so much and my stomach hurts from the strawberries that I ate. 

Let me get one thing straight, I never once thought I would ever change my appearance for a guy, for a broken heart. But when you are the level that I am, you'd do anything to just feel slightly different.

As I was touching up my makeup a little bit, I heard a large thud come from downstairs, I looked at the closed bedroom door and then I hear Chance, Anthony, Erika, and then Jake, yell.

"Where's Anabelle." I heard a familiar voice say. My eyes grow wide as I dropped everything in my hands and rush out the room from where I was. By the time I was about to turn the hall to run down the stairs, Erika is hitting the top step and pushes me back down the hall.

I just want one look!! I want to see him!!

"Erika!" I said, almost yelling. She stops and looks at me, almost in shock and then shakes her head.

"No, Anabelle. He is too much right now-"

"Jake, just tell me where the fuck is Anabelle, bro. That is all I am asking." I heard that voice say again. 

That voice, I missed it so much. I miss that voice whispering to me in my ear at night. I miss that voice saying the most sweetest things. And most of all, I miss the person who speaks it. 

"Logan. You have to go or I'm going to call the cops." I heard Jake said. Erika still held onto me, worried that I might run down the stairs.

"Oh. So now you are going to through your brother in jail?" he says and that is when the tears start swelling up in my eyes.

"If I have to, I will. I dont need a cheater in my house." 

Oh no.

That is when everything crashed. Things were breaking on the floor, Jake yelled and something, someone, was being placed against the wall. I can hear Chance and Anthony holding something back, almost struggling.

"Anabelle!! Anabelle!! I didnt mean to, I swear!! I swear on my fucking life, Ana! Please- LET ME GO!!!" I heard him yell. You can hear the tears in his voice. You can hear the breaths that he had to catch. You can hear the tears that were fighting back, but still spilled. Logan. I need him. I need to see him.

That is when I pushed Erika as hard as I can and threw her against the wall with all the little force that I had left in me, and ran. I ran for the stairs, but even before I could step the second step..

the door went shut.

Logan was gone.

Everyone's eyes were on me while mine were planted on the door. We all here a pound go against the door before everything goes silent again. My knees started to feel weak and the grip of my hands on the railing started to loosen. That is when I fell and cried. I can hear the steps of Erika come near me and then her arms wrap around me, but I push her away. I push her away because I want Logan to hug me, no one else. I want to feel his touch, not Jake's, not no one. Only Logan Alexander Paul. But he was gone.

"Ana.." I hear Jake say as he climbs up the stairs but I stand up and wipe my face.

"No. Dont 'Ana' me, Jake." I said before turning my back and heading to my room-or Jake's room.

"I did it to protect you! Dont you see? How can you still love that fool??" I hear Jake said. I felt my blood start to boil. My hands became a fist and my veins ran hatred. I looked back at Jake, who was looking back at me, clearly annoyed by me and my mind. 

"How can I love that fool? That fool? " I said, repeating his question.

"Yes, Anebelle! That fool! That dumbass who clearly doesnt know how to respect." he says.

Oh, Anabelle. How could you possibly ever think that Jake was better than Logan?

"C'mon Ana, it's not worth it." Erika said grabbing ahold of my wrist but I yanked my wrist away.

"No. No, you know what, Jake? Do you know why I came here in the first place? Because I thought you were better that Logan. I ignored everything everyone else said about you. How you were rude, ignorant, and uncaring about others. How you were disrespectful to every girl you met and how you are just a piece of fucking shit!" I said, hearing my voice bounce off the walls. 

At the bottom of the stairs, I see Chance and Anthony shake their heads and sigh, looking at their feet. On the other hand, Nick came out from the corner and watched the show.

"Jake, I thought you could be there for me. But then all you ever wanted was me. A-and that's sad!" I said feeling the tears coming back, but this time even more.

A pain shot through my heart, making me fall on the steps of the stairs again. Erika was quick to grab me.

"Anabelle, what's wrong? Ana!" I heard her say but everything was just hurting. My body was weak. I felt more people than just Erika around me.

"Call an amb--"

Everything went black.

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