Chapter 1

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Tris' pov-

I walked down the hall towards the doors to leave the building. I quickly stepped out into the chilly night only in shorts and Al's t-shirt. He was dead and I've excepted that but by wearing his shirt I feel like I'd be making his dream come true without betraying my own feelings. I knew me and Four weren't dating and never would, but I didn't feel like that because of him, but because of my own heart.

I thought back to when he was my trainer still. Now that initiation was over I had no excuse to see him daily. Or even ever.

There was always my best friends, but it's kinda hard to get to him when he sits with Zeke and at the end of the table every day. I can't sit across from him because that's Marlene's spot, because she sits beside Uriah who insist on sitting across from Zeke and beside both Marlene and Will.

I walk over to a small rock and sit as I think of ways I could be with him, but none of the results end in be being closer. After what seems like forever though I start back towards my small apartment. I really wished that there was just at least one way I can get beside him for a few minutes, but as I'm walking I hear music. Not loud, but not quiet either and it was coming from Zeke's apartment. I tried to walk by quietly but right as I was about top as the door it flew open to a drunk Christina with no shirt.

I looked at my best friend she just shrugged and everyone laughed as she kissed me. I pushed her back frightened and stepped back.

"Sorry, I had to. It was that or the shorts come off" she said with a chuckle as I look at her blankly before looking in the room to see Marlene is the only girl currently in the room and they all have clothes off, but Four. There were a total of 6 people. Christina, Marlene, Zeke, Uriah, Will, and Four. As my eyes went to look towards the bright blue ones owned by the nighty intimidating four Uriah waved me over.

"Come sit we are playing Dauntless or Candor. With a little bit of wine to get out some deeper secrets" Uriah says with a chuckle.

"Maybe for a few" I say as I nervously sit in the group beside Uriah and Christina.

"Tris" Christina says looking at me and I look at her blankly for a moment not sure what to pick.

"Uhhh...." I say leaving a pause. "dauntless" I say trying and wanting to sound cool she just chuckles.

Christina just smirks at me and I start to get a nervous pit in my stomach. "Go tell Eric your undying love for him and if it's a positive reaction tell him that the only reason you can't be with him is because you won't date anyone as long as Peter is alive." She said with a chuckle. "Four and Uriah get to videotape it" she says smiling. I let out a slight nod and the two boys stand up escorting me to Eric's room.

Four's pov-

I wasn't to happy and if there was a positive response or even a clue of it I was murdering Eric. Tris and me weren't dating, but don't get me wrong I would date her. She's beautiful and I really like her, but we are two different ages and her brother wants to kill me. Not that he could but he gives me weird looks and it's obvious that touching his sister is off limits.

We got to Eric's apartment and me and Uriah hide as she gently knocks on the door.

After about 2 knocks Eric opens the door covered in sweat and in his boxers. He smiles down at Tris and it turns to a slight smirk which makes me wanna punch him.

"Finally came to take me up on that offer? You know that you wouldn't have had to try as hard in initiation" he says and I feel my face grow red with anger. Was he trying to get in her pants! She's small and innocent and what the hell!

"Eric I love you, and I always have" she said and his face lit up. She than continued "but I could never be with you as long as Peter is alive. I couldn't be with anyone" she says and sounded like she was almost serious. She didn't bite at her inner cheek like she so often does. So does that mean there's truth in that?

"Why?" He asked her sternly.

"I can't explain" she says with a frown and walks off as I also hear him yell 'ever want someone to fuck I'm here' at her before he shuts the door.

I glared at the door and me and Uriah followed back to the game. We all sat down and she looked at Uriah. "I think you know the question so?" She ask.

"Dauntless Tris. Your not scary enough for anyone to pick candor." He said smirking and she thought for a minute and she suddenly smirked at him.

"Fine fine but I dare you to sit on fours lap and make out with your brother for a minute." She says obviously trying to make him rethink the mini insult he gave her.

"Nope" Uriah said taking off his pants throwing them into the center only left in his boxers. That's when he smirked at me. "Candor or Dauntless?" He asked and I thought momentarily.

"dauntless" I said and he smirked and looked at Christina and leaned over whispering something and she gets up and leaves the room momentarily. When she comes back she has a poofy ball gown that is an ugly shade of yellow. I take off my shirt throwing it in the center.

"Tris since you missed out on most the fun, truth or dare" I asked and she smiles brightly at me. The smile that I loved.

"Dare" she says and I think for a moment and smirk.

"I dare you to kiss both Marlene and Christina, and it's gotta be with tongue and state which is the better kisser" I say and she turns bright red. I knew this question was a win win for me. I got to either see my crushes under clothing or watch her kids two girls. And I'm a guy and can't deny that turns me on a little but I said there with no emotion.

"Well-" she starts to say something when her brother walked in the room with a panicked expression.

"Tis... It's... Robert.... He... Wants... To... Talk... To... You." Caleb says taking breaths in-between each words.

Roberts pov-

I walked in and chuckled at Caleb when I suddenly felt arms around me into a right embrace. I hugged back recognizing the sweet smell of the girl I wanted to make called mine. I looked at the group of people she was surrounded by and saw the one glaring, but I shrugged it off. I didn't have to worry bout him, my sweet and innocent Tris wouldn't like someone like that.

"Robert it's been forever" she said to me smiling and clinging happily. I pull her body closer to mine and I feel her smile brighten.

"Yeah, and I wanted to let you know. I found a loop hole I'm the system" he says smiling happily. "We can get married outside the districts long as one is factionless and Tris." He says smiling at her. "I wanna marry you and I know you feel the same way." He hugged her tighter as I saw the guy from earlier frown.

She left a slight pause "ill think about it" she says like everything that just happened didn't and i frown at that.

"Of course I'll see you later Beatrice" I say walking out frowning mumbling 'I love you' just so she can hear.

"Robert I love you too" she responds obviously hearing me.

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