Chapter 2

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Four's pov-

I was crushed, but I expected nothing less. Girls don't truly like me, all they do is fling them selves at me not wanting anything, but sex. And your one of 3 girls when it comes to this. 1.) want me 2.) girls that want nothing to do with me like that/ married people, lesbians, straight guys, 3.) people who are scared off because if the first girls.

I stifle back all emotions as Robert goes over and kisses tris just to have her push him away. His eyes showed confusion as he looked at her. And at this point everyone but Christina and Zeke were staring in disbelief at him. I looked over at Christina and Zeke both their eyes glued on me like I stabbed him. Even though the thoughts crossed my mine when he announced his love for her.

"But not the way your thinking. As a friend Robert. And I can't let you leave your fraction." she says with a frown and he looks at her with watery eyes as she walks out.

I glimpse at Christina, I wasn't sure why she was staring, I knew Zeke was, but why her? I don't know her let alone would I let her even have a slight chance of assuming I liked her. I knew she was on my "tracks" at this point though and I needed to get her off.

I needed to get over Tris.

Tris' pov-

I kept walking, I wasn't going back there. I needed somewhere to hide where no one would find me. I couldn't hide in my friends room, and the pit wouldn't work either. I didn't want Robert or even worse Caleb finding me.

As I was looking for a hiding space I leaned against the wall and while pushing my weight to the wall I lowered myself to the floor. I was in a dark cool corner that you wouldn't expect to see anyone in. As I sat there thinking of better spots to hide I heard footsteps approaching but i chose to ignore as I thought.

Christina's pov- (this is right after Caleb and Robert left to look for her)

"I know what to do guys" I said with a big smile and everyone looked at me. "Ok so she could be in everyone's apartment, but Zeke and Four's. Because we are in Zeke's and well Four and her just aren't friends." I said blankly as I scanned Four's face and he wasn't even looking at me. I continued my little speech "therefore we all check our rooms while they split up and check the rest of the building." I finished with a smile.

Everyone seems to agree and we all split up to go look for Tris and I knew exactly where she was. I knew she was in the pit, she isn't dumb enough to go into one of our rooms. She knew Caleb and Robert would find her.

Caleb's pov-

I was walking around the pit when I saw Four. He looked so familiar, but I never knew why, but I did know one thing. He liked Tris. I didn't notice until his reaction earlier that he did. I approached him as he stood against a wall by a dark corner.

"What are you doing here?" I asked sternly as he didn't even look at me just stood there with a blank expression.

"It's my faction." He said Looking at me from the corner of his eye. "if your looking for your sister we already found her" he said as I glared at him and than went to go get Robert.

Four's pov-

We hadn't "found her", but I knew where she was. I pretended to walk off and than quietly moved back to the wall where she couldn't see me.

I heard tiny footsteps as she went to run she collided with me and we both fell to the floor.

"I'm so sorry" she said with frown and as her beautiful blond hair laid everywhere. After a few seconds she noticed she was on top of me still and got off. "Sorry bout that too" she frowned. "I thought you left so I thought I could change my spot." She said avoiding all eye contact.

"Don't be" I frowned and she lightly smiled at me, the smile I love so much, but the smile I didn't necessarily wanted to be mine. She was beautiful, I liked her a lot, but that was a problem. People would question her, her ranking, if everything. She said was a lie. They'd assume that's why we were training initiates together in less than 6 months. And I just couldn't do that to her. She was beautiful and I really did like her. But that's why I had to shut up about it all and lay low.

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Authors note-

Hey guys sorry if these are kinda short. Starting chapter 3 tonight, hopefully I'll post it tonight or tomorrow at this time.

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