Chapter 10

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(So I have a project due in like like 68 hours and I haven't started, but I wanna write this and not about Avrial Ronell or what ever her name is. I'm hoping two start 2 other stories this weekend but this SHAL be my main. And I apologize for SHAL being capitalized it automatically does that and I can never change it 😕. But I have nothing to do because my cat Josh got deballed and declawed and just got home yesterday so he wants held. And when I get up I get hissed at. So I'm gonna write as he lays on me and eats my phone case.)

Skipping till right after finals-

Fours pov-

There was an extra two syringes left after all the kids had left. A few had stayed to say thank you to their trainers. One came up to me, but Tris on the other hand, she was pretty popular with them. She saw nothing of it though and told all of them how proud she was. She didn't see that almost every guys arms slowly got lower and lower towards her ass. And maybe she didn't notice, but I sure did.

I went to pick one of the syringes up when I heard a high pitched squeal. It didn't sound like any of the girls though.

"Your gay!" I heard a boy yell and than the one boy from erudite ran in. "Hey have you seen a blond boy? Real short? Was an initiate?" The boys asked bright red. Right after this the boy ran in, but quickly hid in the room.

"Ummm... No?" Tris asked confused of what was going on. "And was that your squeal?" She asked and the boy nodded with a smile. "Vinny why are you looking for Caleb?" Tris asked.

"He kinda k-" Vinny started to say, but the blond boy cut him off.

"Shut up!" He said sitting in a box. At this time Vinny went over picked up the box and left leaving me and Tris to give each other strange looks.

"That was awkward," she says flatly and I nod.

"Tris?" I say more like a question than anything and pull her towards the syringes. "Would you go through my fear landscape with me?" I ask and she nods with a smile. And with that we go in.

(I'm not writing his landscape because we all know what happens.)


"Tobias?" She asks uncertain if that was all real. I nod slightly before being hugged. She's smiling and I can feel it on the crook of my neck. "I like it, it suits you." She says and I slightly smile at that.

"Call me that, just not in front of people" I tell her and she nods showing she truly understood why.

"Why don't we celebrate tonight?" She asks me and I give he a confused look.

"Why?" I asks as she roles her eyes.

"Because we are done being trainers and haven't played truth or dare in a while." She says with a smile and I nod.

*after dinner, Zeke's apartment*

Tris' pov-

We had convinced Zeke to throw a party even though it wasn't that hard. We had kept it to our small group for the most part except a couple people had "plans". Aka Uriah and Marlene, they have been getting even closer lately and are never apart. Shauna also was busy, but because she had to work late which we couldn't control.

"I wanna go first," Christina spoke up in out small group of 5. We all nodded in agreement and she smirked at me.

"Tris truth or dare?" She asked me and I thought momentarily.

"Dare?" I asked unsure what she was thinking.

"I dare you to tell you where you really were." She said and I shrugged. She gave me a questing look.

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