Chapter 7

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(If anyone reads this please tell me if the chapter should be any longer or shorter or anything really.)

Tris' pov-

I stopped speaking trying to think of what to say. Caleb was the only family I really had left, but Four. There was something about him that made me wanna say his name. "I choose. My brother." I say almost ashamed of myself. My eyes fell to the ground. "But I don't want Robert in my life. Don't bring him here or anything or we are done being friends. I will no longer call you my brother." I say harshly and he nods hugging me.

While I hug my brother I watch Four sit down in a different seat. Away from me. "He can still be my friend right?" I ask and Caleb shakes his head no.

"I don't want you around him unless you have to. And why don't I walk you to your apartment it's late." He says and I nod pulling out my phone and text Christina "be back in 10." I than wave to everyone and walk back with my brother.

Christina's pov-

I looked at Four. "How the hell could you let her do that?" I asked and he shrugged. Like seriously!! "She loves you and you just let her go?" I a ask and he just nods. I shake my head in disapproval. Staring at the door waiting for my best friend.

About 15 minutes later Tris walks in. "Sorry he WOULDN'T leave." She says with a sigh. "And if he really believes he can control me when he's nuts." She says smiling at everyone. "He kept going on and on about how I should marry Robert." She said rolling her eyes and than looked at Four. "I'm sorry. About that. I thought it would have been the very way because I mean if you liked me than we could you know." She said forgetting we were here. Just at that moment though he kissed her. She kissed back and after a couple seconds they moved away,

"Why DONT we make him approve of Four?" I asked with a smirk and Tris and the rest looked at me curiously.

"How?" Four asked and I smirked.

"If Tris starts to misbehave and Caleb catches her with more than one guy, "drinking" fake so he can't tell and blames it because one isn't enough because they all have qualities that are I'm you that she needs in her life. And maybe a pregnancy scare and not sure who's the father but we make it clear it can't be yours. Because you don't wanna do that yet." I say proud of myself.

"Who are gonna be they guys?" Marlene asked and I pointed to Uriah and Zeke.

"And Will." I finish and after a moment the girls all agree and the guys don't have any say. "I'll invite him tomorrow, what guy wants to get it over with?" I ask and none volunteer. "Fine, Uriah, Will, than Zeke. It's alphabetical." I say and they all nod.

"I should go." Four says randomly and stands up.

"Wait can I talk to you?" Tris asked and he nodded and waved her up.

"I'll walk you to your apartment." She nods and her and Four both left Uriah's.

Tris' pov-

Me and him walked silently until she breaks it. "I wanted to pick you, but I didn't want to be rejected and than have neither." I say with a frown as he wraps an arm around me.

"You shouldn't have been. I meant what I said earlier. I love you." He said smiling down at me.

"I love you too," I say as we get to my apartment. He gently kisses my nose and leaves. After I can't see him anymore I go to turn in the room when I'm suddenly in someone's chest and a needle in my neck. Everything goes black.

*Time skip*

I started to wake up. I was in a dark room chained to something, but I wasn't sure what. I wasn't sure what and I wasn't sure I wanted to know.

I heard the door slide open to the room but I still couldn't tell who it was. He unchained me and picked me up. I couldn't move, I felt paralyzed. And I realized what they injected in me not only probably knocked me out, but made me so I couldn't fight. I laid their in the mans arm as he took me to the train tracks. He through me on and got on after me ad my lifeless body laid there. I wasn't sure what to do. I couldn't do anything and the man was wearing a ski mask And showed no skin.

After a little ride he got us off the train, laid me in front of the entrance and left as simple as that.

Four's pov-

I had to work in the control room tonight when I saw a man lay a girl down just randomly in front of out fraction. I ran out to see Trie there breathing, but not moving. I clung to her

"Tris." I said weakly before picking her up and carrying her to the infirmary. I took her back and I hesitantly went to work.

AUTHORS NOTE- Ok sorry this chapter sucked.

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