Chapter 11

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(Hey guys I'm sorry this took like 4 days :-( I was given a three page report to do in 3 days and I'm stressed. Plus I have 3 weeks of work in every other class because I was out.)

(I honestly have no clue where I'm going with this)

Next morning-

Tris' pov-

I woke up exactly 6 in the morning feeling wick once again. I hate this feeling and right now me and the baby don't seem to be too fond of each other. I hated the fact that this is how I was gonna be fore the next month at least.

I slowly left the bathroom flushing the toilet. I peeked around the corner to see Tobias laying there peacefully. He was still sleeping thankfully so i made my way to the kitchen. I decided if surprise Tobias with breakfast, but I didn't have much so I just made eggs, bacon, and toast. Half way through the bacon and eggs though I started getting that sick feeling in my stomach. I ran to the bathroom and got sick once again.

I was in there for another minute getting sick when I heard a panicked Tobias shouting my name between coughs. I got out of the bathroom to see a room full of smoke.

"I'm right here!" I say coughing because of in-hailing the smoke. Next thing I knew someone's hand was on my arm and dragging me out of my apartment as men in firefighter suits ran in my room.

"What the hell happened!" He yelled at me and I slightly cowered. His eyes went gentle as soon as he noticed though.

"I was making us breakfast and than I got sick. This baby doesn't like me," I said with a frown. He sighed and pulled me into the hug.

"The baby does and will love you tris. You'll be an amazing mother." He told me reassuringly as the men left the house saying it was safe again.

We went back into my apartment to find my kitchen destroyed. I sighed with a frown. "Wonderful" I say sarcastically.

"Tris you could stay at my apartment until this gets fixed." He says with a slight blush.

"I don't wanna intrude," I said kinda nervously. I wanted to I just didn't wanna move things to fast.

"You won't," he says with that smile I love. His blue eyes seemed to pierce my soul, but in a good way. I loved the feeling, but most of all I loved him.

"Only if I stay on the couch." I said with a smirk and he seemed to ponder this.

"I don't think so." He said with a chuckle.

"Than I'm staying here," I said walking towards the bedroom that smelled like smoke. The whole apartment did for that fact, but that really didn't matter.

"Ok, fine." He said with a pout. I smiled brightly and pecked his lips. This was gonna be fun.

(Sorry it's short, it's 11:15 at night. I'm tired.)

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