Chapter 3

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3rd person pov-

It had been a little under 6 months and everything was great except for 2 things. Not only had him and Tris avoided each other, but today was the day of the new initiates. They both had to pull themselves out of beds and get ready for the day because a little around 11:00 am the kids were getting there. About that time they both silently walked to the net. They had barely spoken more than a couple words a week trying to get over each other, but to them it just seemed so impossible.

Tris' pov-

I got to the net a few moments before Four. I didn't wanna do this job anymore, I wanted to go curl back up in the bed I slept in. I didn't wanna be here with him. And I defiantly didn't wanna fall for him again so I kept quiet not looking at him.

About 15 minutes after we both had got there the kids started jumping and it was obviously a male dominant group and I had been slightly favored. A total of 24 kids only 10 of which were girls, and only one of which let me help her out. The rest were all over four. I thought of the group we had

Candor girls - Maddy, Arabella, Hana
Candor boys- Mason

Erudite girls - Gabby
Erudite boys-Arron, Caleb, Vinny

Amity girls - Bethany, Lucile, Ella
Amity boys- Wolfie, Quinn

Dauntless girls- Maeve, Nikki, Payton
Dauntless boys- Josh, Dalton, Neko, blade, Griffin, Gage, Zeus.

Most the guys stared at me and I knew why. Since last year I grew two inches, grew out my hair, went from an A cup to a C, started wearing makeup, and actually dressed decent.

"Transfers me and Tris will be your instructors" Four said loudly and looked over at me as I nodded at them. "My name is four" he said starting to walk out already. I just smiled at the initiates.

"I apologize for Four. He's scary" I say to one of the initiates and she giggles. I can tell she's the Erudite girl.

"Is he single though? I mean all these girls would love in his pants" she says blankly.

"Well Gabby, I can't say I've ever even heard of him having a crush so id assume no, b-" I start to say but four comes over to me.

"Tris wouldn't you think that after last year with me you'd be warning them about me not trying to make YOU my next target?!" He asks with force and I glare up at him.

"I'm not a sweet innocent stiff anymore. So I'll do as I please, but you have no place on this planet to talk to me like that!" I spat back.

"Why not" he ask with a smirk wanting to hear my reason.

"Let's lead a girl on! Let's make everyone think you like her! Than let's ignore her for 6 months." I say and he backs down and I feel accomplished,

Four's pov-

I frowned and backed off not knowing why. I wasn't a coward, but I just backed down to a girl who could never take me, not physically anyway.

After all this we led them around the Dauntless compound and gave them our brief tour while finally stopping at the dorms letting them go in. I walked off with Tris in front of me by a few paces. I wanted to stop her, tell her my feelings, but I couldn't. I knew she was right and I was a coward for not standing up in what I believe it, but the fact is I believed in it to and I just wasn't sure why.

Quinn's pov-

I looked over at Tris. She was upset and everyone could see it. Than I looked at the asshole that made her feel that way. He looked down towards his feet and let her walk off. I couldn't understand why he'd do that, but oh well. All I wanted to do was get close to Tris, she was beautiful and she just seemed so different from other girls. I changed into the outfit we were suppose to wear and realized it was time to eat. So I started down to the dining room to go get lunch.

Tris' pov-

I went to the dining hall and sat in my normal spot trying to think of ways to get over Four. He was an ass and why I liked him? I honestly don't know, but maybe I didn't wanna get over him. Maybe I just want to make it clear I use to like him and make him think I was moving on. And I had to use someone that would really get under his skin.


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