Chapter 4

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Tris' pov-

I got up from my seat and started to make my way quickly into the hallway. I didn't know where I was going I just new who I was looking for. And this could easily get me killed if he found out I was using him, but I wanted Four to realize that these 6 months have been amazing and I just wanted to tick him off.

As I sped through the hallway I ran into one of the initiates. Because I caught him off guard his first reaction was too punch so that's what he did. He punched me right in the gut and I used the wall to keep me from falling to my knees as I gasped for air because he knocked the wind out of me.

"I'm so sorry Tris!" He said immediately by my side. I just nodded and smiled at him.

"That was a good punch u act quick." I said to the boy and a slight smile came onto his lips.

"Thanks.... Where are you going?" He asked me curiously and I chuckled.

"To find Eric. The dauntless leader. Have you seen him?" I ask him right as Eric turns the corner talking silently to four and both looked ticked. I wondered what they were talking about.

"Over there, but four looks like he's gonna punch him" Quinn said pointing out fours fist balled up. "well bye Tris" he said and scurried off.

Four's pov-

I was about to punch Eric. I had to talk to him about the initiates and he decided to change the subject to Tris. He wanted her and he made it clear to the world, but that's when she approached us.

"Hi Eric. four" she said smiling at him and nodding at me. "Mind if I talk to you?" She asked him politely.

"Finally come to Your senses and give me a shot?" He asked with a chuckle.

"Actually, yes" she said and my jaw dropped. Tris liked Eric! How the hell! Something was going. On here, but I wasn't sure what.

"Tomorrow? I'll pick you up at Your training room?" He asked and she smiled, kissed his cheek, and walked off.

Tris' pov-

I did it I asked the disgusting piece of shit out. I went to my apartment and scrubbed my mouth. I hated the fact I had to act like this. Maybe I could get him to dump me, but how.

That's when I got an idea. I'll go against everyone of the rules in training when he's there and make him change them. I'll act scared and helpless and what guy in dauntless would want that? I chuckled to myself. This was gonna be fun.

At this point I walked out of the room to see two people standing there. A guy with a black eye as he gives her puppy dog eyes I chuckled realizing it was a dauntless and the Erudite boy Arron. He didn't have any muscle and had a little chub.

"Get away from me before I punch you again," the girl says and I can't help but chuckle and stand in my doorway as I watch.

"One date?" He asks and she roles her eyes, slaps him, and goes to storm off but freezes when sees me.

"Why so harsh?" I ask with a chuckle.

"I want a guy who can defend himself not me I know everything! Literally it's freaky. He should stayed in erudite. When he can beat me in a fight I'll date him," she says before walking off.

I look at the boy who looks heartbroken. "Guess we should start training for that fight?" I say and he perks up with a smile and nods. "Training room, half and hour earlier and later everyday" I say and walk off.

As I walked off I bumped into Eric once more he smiled at me. I forced one back and than suddenly had an idea.

"Eric we should go to Erudite" I say with a smile. He just looked at me confused. "That way I can meet Your family and you can meet my brother" I say starting my plan.

"I guess?" He says a little confused. I didn't know why he agreed, one of the laws out up a few months ago was that you can't leave unless you have permission from a leader and it can't be yourself. That way no one left.

"Well let's go catch a train" I say and run out of the compound just happy to be able to leave. I loved Dauntless, it was my home and I couldn't even dream of being in any other fraction, but sometimes you just need a break.

I swing myself onto the first moving train and Eric goes to do the same, but then there's a gun shot and Eric is under the train. There just stands a factionless man with a gun.

I felt my heart pounding in my chest and it felt like it was creeping into my throat. I gulp, fear in my eyes and I knew it.

"W-why did you shoot him?" I ask and the man just chuckles like it was a joke. The more I looked at the man though, them more he looked like Four.

"I love you tris" the man says right as everything goes black.

AUTHORS NOTE- hey sorry to my zero readers that I give you a cliff hanger. I'll update tonight I promise.... That's there just in case someone reads.

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