Chapter 6

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Zeke's pov-

We all piled into my little brothers apartment and sat in a circle. Four sat beside Tris for the first time ever I thought. I had to get them on teams together because I had an idea. I decided to speak up.

"We have 12 people. We can do 3 groups of 4 or we could do 6 groups of 2 that way the teams are even." I say and everyone mumbled to themselves.

"How bout groups of 2." The girl who shot Tis said. Everyone nodded and I went down the line and paired a guy with a girl for the most part. the pairs were-

Tris & four

Christina & will

Josh & Nikki

Maeve & Arron

Me and Uriah

Then I stopped. "Uhh you two cool with being partners?" I asked Dalton and a guy I didn't know. They both nod and smile.

So Dalton & Quinn.

We all sat next to our partners and I got both truth and peace serum out. I mixed some shots of both so if you backed down you had no choice over what you got. Uriah than shouted out.

"Me and Zeke are going f-" he started to say, but I cut him off I was smirking at Tris and Four.

"You two Dauntless or Candor?" I asked and they both look scared. They both looked at each other and than looked back at me.

"We are gonna take Dauntless" Four said nervously.

"kiss Tris." I said my smirking slightly growing.

"B-but I just got out of a relationship and we w-" she was cut off by Four kissing her for a couple seconds and than after she kissed back for about 2 seconds before they simultaneously pulled back.

"Tris you had a boyfriend?" Uriah asked shocked. Tris nodded with a smile, obviously a fake one but a smile. "Who?" My brother asked.

"Guess your gonna have to ask me later and find out." She said and looked at four. "Who do we wanna ask?" He shrugged and she looked around the crowd and smirked at the girl who shot her.

Four's pov-

Oh my god me and Tris actually kissed. I was about to take of my shirt, but she started to talk about Eric and it ticked me off. So I just did it.

I than saw Maeve get a scared look on her face.

"I dare you to kiss your crush." She said and Arron started turning bright red. Maeve than turned so facing him and pecked his lips and he just stared at her saying nothing.

"Candor or Dauntless." Maeve asked Dalton and Quinn.

"Dauntless" Quinn said as Maeve got an evil smirk.

"One of you has to kiss the scary dude the other kiss tris for at least a min. It has to be a full on make out session" she said and Dalton looked at Quinn who shrugged. That's when Quinn went over to Tris and kissed her and Dalton kissed me. I refused to do anything but than I saw Quinn and Tris ACTUALLY MAKING OUT TOGETHER. I was beyond ticked.

Tris' pov-

I did as Maeve said. I made out with the boy, but I was really glad Four kisses me first. He was my first kiss. In the middle of the make out session though I heard the door fly open.

"TRIS!" I heard yelled and I pushed the boy off to see my father and brother there. "I heard rumors a whole bunch of your friends mostly guys came in here. And this is exactly why I don't visit!" He said firmly and I stood up.

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