Chapter 8

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This chapter is dedicated to lostintheclouds9 thank you for being the most supportive reader :-)

Tris's pov-

I felt sore all over, especially my waist and above. I hadn't opened my eyes, I didn't wanna. I could tell someone was in the room, but I didn't wanna know who.

"I should have trusted you." I heard a male voice say, but it wasn't to me. It sounded like Caleb, but who the hell would be talking to him.

"I do love her." A low voice said. I couldn't put a finger on this one though. He almost seemed like he didn't wanna be heard.

"How do you think she'll take the news? I mean. You think she'll keep it?" My brother said with an obvious frown.

"Yeah. Your sister has a heart unlike most girls. One of the reasons I love her." The voice said smiling. The unknown man came over and gently kissed my forehead. I could feel by the way he touched me it was Four and I couldn't help but smile.

"Thanks Four" i say with a light chuckle. "Now what do you think I have a kind enough to keep?" I ask as he jumped back. They both just stayed quiet though.

I go all opened my eyes to see I was in the infirmary. I looked over to the pale faces of both of them. "What?" I ask wanting to know.

Caleb's pov-

She must not have heard the conversation from about 10 minutes ok. Or she would be asking Four why'd he do such a thing. Why'd he agree to it.

She wasn't ready for a change like this in her life. Yes Four agreed to help, but I don't think she'll want it. She'll be to emotional.

"Well sis good and bad news." I say smiling at her.

"Good first." She says blankly. Not wanting to hear the bad and I knew she wouldn't.

"Good, mom and dad are gonna be grand parents! Bad, it's yours and they don't know who the dad is." I say backing down frowning.

"W-what? No that impossible! Wait! The man. After you left he was in my room he stuck something in my neck and when I woke up he was bringing me back! So some man in another fraction who knows which is gonna be a dad!" She says and starts crying.

"Hey Tris it'll be ok." Four said as he laid in he hospital bed wit Tris pulling her into his chest.

"The baby isn't gonna have a dad!" She sobbed. "And it won't even look like my who ever I marry one day." She sobbed and I felt so bad.

"Well... Would you be ok with the dad NOT looking like the baby? I mean like have someone be the dad even though he's not." He asked her hoping she'd catch on obviously, but she just shrugged. "What about me?" He asked quietly and she looked at him shocked.

"You'd father my baby? Even though it isn't yours?" She asked and He blushed before he could even say what He was trying to.

"I was kinda hoping that maybe I would end up one day in the distant future being the babies dad anyway." He said and she turned bright red.

"Thank you," she said into him still sobbing. All he did was kiss her forehead and hold her till he fell asleep. Than he stood up and walked back over to me.

"I have to go." I said lightly and he nodded. "Take care of her." I say as he smiles and nods. "She can't know that I won't be back for a while, but if the baby is born before I come back again take care of him or her too." I than left without looking back.

*next morning*

Tris' pov-

I woke up with two big blue eyes staring at me. I couldn't manage to say anything I mean we were pressed up against each other his big blue eyes staring into mine. We were only inches apart and he gently pecked my lips. I craved more, but said nothing.

"Your brother gave us his blessing." He says slightly and I squealed hugging him closely. "So if you wanna go out?" He said nervously and I decided to mess with him.

"Why would I go out with you?" I ask and his face falls. I chuckle, "other than the reason that I'm desperately I'm love with you." I said smiling. His facial expression quickly changed.

"So is tha-" he started to say but I gently kissed him. As out lips gently pry she'd I smile pulling away after a few seconds.

"That's a yes," I say reassuringly and he goes from nervous to smiling like an idiot.

"How bout i check you out." He asked and I nod. He gets up and stares at me going from head to toe to head again.

"What are you doing?" I ask and he chuckles.

"I said I was gonna check you out" he said jokingly before leaving the room. He comes back in minutes later. "We can go," he said smiling and we left the infirmary as soon as I got everything gathered.

we were walking down the hall. We go past the dining hall and I see all our friends eating cake I just chuckle. "Wanna scare out friends?" I ask him. He gives me a confused look and I take his hand. "Your gonna be a father remember." With that we walk in. Christina spot is first and squeals drawing out groups attention to me and Four.

"You two are a thing?" Christina asks and me and four both just nod.

"What was I suppose to do. Walk out on the women I love? And our unborn baby." He says and all their jaws drop and me and Four sit down.

"Your pregnant!" She says loud enough that everyone becomes real quiet and stares at us.

"We haven't seen you in 3 weeks and well surprise!" She says and hugs me. I blush and wonder if it's really been 3 weeks.

I look at four and whisper "3 weeks?" he nods and I felt so scared.

"You were only asleep for a couple hours." He says and I just nod. I'd been gone for three week, came back pregnant, my brother is letting me be with Four? What else is new.

"What about training. The initiates?" I ask him.

"Mason took the chasm because of everyone picking on him for being with Griffin. griffin followed than Bethany and Lucile got kicked, but a boy named Neko took Lucile's spot so he could be with Bethany." He said and I nodded.

"There's a lot of drama with them. Most are dating someone, and I trained Arron so he could fight and he convinced Eric to have an official match with a Dauntless born guy named Josh and the fight didn't last a minute, Arron won with broken ribs, black eye, and brush burns on his arms the whole way. Josh took 2 punches to the face and was knocked out because Arron saved his energy and took him at vulnerable moments." He finished and I smiled up at him. "And the one. Quinn ran off right after the truth or dare game we are thinking because of death threats. He didn't really have any friends."

"I wish I was there," I said with a pout and he just kissed my forehead happily.

"I wish you were to." He said so only I could hear.

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