Chapter 16

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(Hey guys another chapter. I'm hoping to post one tomorrow too. And thank you lostintheclouds9 I like seeing notifications from you :-) I like seeing them from everyone, but I get one like every chapter from her)

Mystery man pov-

I sat down at a large desk as I had Eric and Peter drag a factionless man in. His name was Quinn I believed, a runaway initiate.

"What do you want?!" Quinn spat at me and I chuckled.

"Your unborn child," I said with a smirk

"How do you kn-" he started to say, but I cut him off.

"I know because I've been watching closely, to everyone." I say with an evil smirk. He looked scared, but that was good.

"Ok now let me explain my plan-" i said.

*4 hours later*

Eric's pov-

I had a plan of my own. That guy was an idiot to tell us everything. I mean seriously he just told a killer and a guy who hates people who boss them around. I'm sorry, but not a good group.

I walked to Four's apartment. I knocked gently to have Tris in Four's t-shirt open the door.

"Why are you here Eric it's two in the morning." She said sleepily. I couldn't help, but stare at her, she was beautiful.

"I could ask you the same thing," I said curious why she was there.

"I managed to set my kitchen on fire so I'm staying on four's couch." She said trying to shut the door but I put my foot in the way.

"I need to talk to four," I said and she rolled her eyes.

"Come back in like 6 hours." She said trying to shut the door while my foot was in it. I quickly took it out and walked to my room.

-6 hours later-

At exactly 8 in the morning I made my way to Four's room. I knocked on the door and wondered why the hell did I break up with Tris because of that guy. I don't even know his name. He wears a mask and a piece of clothing from each factor. He told me I had to because it would ruin the plan because he needed to guys who would do anything to get Tris, but he new Four wouldn't hurt Tris. He was too emotionally weak for the plan.

Or was he? I mean what if the guy just didn't want Four to find out who he was. Maybe he knows four from his previous faction? Maybe he was in our initiate group. Or they were related. I wonder if the man is actually Four's-

Before I could finish my thoughts Four opened the door and rolled his eyes. "What do you want," he asked me coldly.

"I have to talk to you," I responded trying to use a harsh tone. Four rolled his eyes and opened the door wider.

"Come on," he said and I walked in. He left the door open and stood by it.

"Close the door please, I don't want anyone to hear that I wanna make a peace offering with you," I said lying. His face showed confusion, but he shut the door. "I'm not actually here to do that, but I need to tell you something we can't let Tris no about." I said quietly.

"I tell Tris everything," he said flatly and I rolled my eyes.

"If you want not only you, but Tris and her unborn baby thrown over the chasm I'd shut up." I said and he went pail and nodded. "There's a man, I'm not sure who he is actually, but he's coming after you as well as Tris. He wants her and wants to hurt her emotionally and physically. He's planning on taking the baby and I'm suppose to get it. Don't worry I won't stop you two from seeing the baby, but you can't have him until the man is dead." I said as he looked at me like I was insane.

"Why the hell are you working with him." He asked me.

"His father is Max, and Max even came in and said that." I said and Four nodded. "I'm not sure why he agrees or even knows about the plan, but I could get executed for this. He now has another guy that likes Tris working with him." I said and he nodded. He looked upset, even scared.

"Eric we gotta get a little plan of our own," He said with a smirk. I nodded my agreement. "We can't have this plan take affect until after the baby is born." He said and I nodded.

Right as I did though I heard the shower turn off. And a girl yell. "TOBY!! I need a towel. It's cold in here and I have nothing to cover up with!" She yelled.

"Toby?" I asked him as he shot me a death glare.

"That's TRIS' name for me, don't use it," he said using his instructor tone and emphasizing the word Tris. I knew by the way he said it if I told anyone he'd throw me over the chasm himself. I just nodded.

He went over grabbed a towel and took it in the bathroom without looking. HOW THE HELL DID HE RESIST THAT?!

"Eric's here" I here him say. There's a pause and he chuckles nodding and goes back into his room. He comes back with an outfit in his hand bra and underwear included and puts them on the bathroom sink. He left the bathroom and held up 3 fingers. A second later he had, than finally one and we heard Tris yell.

"FOUR WHAT THE HELL!" She said he chuckled and walked back over l. A few moments later I saw her come out. She had light grey booty shorts and a very low cut tank top that showed her bra on. Her boobs looked bigger than usual. "Where'd you even get these?" She asked him as he chuckled.

"Christina bought the whole outfit and said just in case you ever stay the night and needed clothes." He responded.

She stood there a hand on her hip glaring at Four than just shook her head disapprovingly. He smirked and shrugged. She rolled her eyes and went back in his room. The back of her shorts said "Fourever his!"

She came out a moment later and he smiled seeing she was still wearing the outfit.

Fours pov-

Eric was here and honestly he could leave. I knew he still liked her and I knew I shouldn't trust him. At least yet.

I was admiring Tris' very showy outfit and than notice what her shorts said. I smirked at that knowing

Christina did that herself. I would have to thank her later.

A/N- yay another chapter. :-)

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