Chapter 9

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Quick authors note- went back to school today, sorry won't be on as much now. And if anyone likes ADVENTURE TIME and ships FIOLEE I have a story you might like. I personally talked to the author and got the rights for a mini story who the oc's belong to. I'll have one of them in their true form, but if u like adventure look up the beginning of forever a fiolee story.

Skip to Day before finals

Tris' pov-

We had started the fear landscapes and one particularly confused us. Arron.


He couldn't manipulate his fear landscape, but he knew what was going on still. When he had got out of it still having a trouble. We looked at him weird.

"What?." He said as tears streamed down his face. He had saw Maeve and his "child" Hana die in front of his eyes. Which made me wonder what the hell we let happen in those dorm rooms.

"Were your test divergent?" I asked him and he nodded but than shook his head no. "What do you mean?" I questioned.

"Photographic memory. Can't forget anything." He said with a shrug. "So they said I was, but they didn't understand how that exactly worked." He says before walking off and immediately hugged Maeve when he saw her."

End the mini flashback.

I stood at the end of the dorm rooms thinking if I really wanted to go in. I had wanted to talk to the one boy about something important. I sighed and took a step in. I instantly saw the boy, Wolfie. He was big and built like four, but he made me wonder about him. I had heard him bark than growl at a Eric and I was told but Eric himself to take care of him. And check to make sure he doesn't have fleas.

"Wolfie?" I asked and his head snapped towards me. He was sitting with a girl with white hair and red eyes. But a gentle red that looked good on her. (Yes an albino)

"Yes?" He asked harshly and I waved him over. He stood up frowning and came over as I stepped in the hallway. "What do you want?" He snapped.

"I don't want anything, but Eric does" I said rolling my eyes at the sound of Eric's name on my tongue.

"What's this about?" He asked in a gentler voice.

"I'm told to discuss with you about barking and growling. Eric doesn't.... Appreciate it and well he's not to happy about it." I said trying not to laugh.

"Well he shouldn't touch Lucile." He said stubbornly and I chuckled.

"I honestly don't mind it, but next time make sure you bite him." I say smiling.

"I will." He said and we both started laughing. Next thing I knew two arms wrapped around my waist and I smiled and relaxed in the arms before tensing up. Not sure who it was I elbowed the man in the guy and pulled out a gun pointing it at the initiate.

"Y-y-your not gabby!" He said looking scared. "I'm so sorry you look like her from behind!" The guy frowned and backed up as I put my gun down.

"No, now get going." I said firmly as the boy known as Jay stood up and a girl who reminded me of Christina walked out.

"There you are Jay!" She said hugging the boy. She quickly pulled him to his feet and drug him out. I looked at Wolfie.

"Next time behave please?" I asked Wolfie. I got a short shake of the head and he went back in and talked to the albino.

SORRY this is short super tired. This all leads to somewhere though.

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