Chapter 13

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Ok so first off I'm starting a new story. This will be my main, but I can't decide on what story. So please vote.

1.) a mix between Candor or Dauntless and a high school version.

2.) we follow the initiates around through their life style. We will focus on two main couples if I do this.

Ok too the story

Four's pov

I glared at the man on stage. I couldn't see his face yet, but I was gonna punch him. Than I saw him step out, or should I say they?! There stood Eric and Peter. What the hell?!

I stormed onto the stage and decked Peter in the face than turned around and did the same to Eric. Everyone gasped when I hit Eric, but no one was shocked about Peter.

Peter laid there unconscious and Eric laid there acting like he couldn't take anymore. So I bent down and whispered very threateningly "stay away MY girl. Understand?" I asked him and he nodded. I got off the stage and wrapped an arm around Tris.

"Wow, men I've never truly liked are proposing, but my boyfriend hasn't." She says in a joking tone. She was obviously trying to lighten the mood, but I was way past ticked and it wasn't gonna be that simple.

"Well I'm sure if I asked now everyone in dauntless would question your modesty." I say and she rolls her eyes.

"I'm pregnant, what modesty?" She ask me and than we both realize he whole room is staring at us. We blushed horribly and almost all the single girls glared at her. "Surprise," she said with a nervous chuckle.

"Your what?" A deep voice said from the crowd as a man pushed through. He was in abnegation grey and I stiffened up. It was Marcus.

"You got a girl pregnant!" He asked and I just shook my head no as everyone gasped and mumbled stuff.

"Haven't they been together for a couple weeks now?" Most them asked and it was obvious Tris wasn't very far along. "I wonder who the dad is," the rest asked. "So your dating a whore?" My father asked and I felt my hands ball into fist.

I couldn't take it anymore. I moved away from Tris and walked up to him, and looked at him straight in the eyes. All I saw was coldness, hatred, and evilness. He didn't belong in abnegation and I knew that.

Next thing I knew I punched him in the face. "I don't care who you are. You may insult me, hurt me, but you will NEVER insult my Tris." I say as he stands there shocked. I walk over to Tris, wrap an arm around her, and than we left. Without a worry about what would happen after that little accident.

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