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I actually like creating an English novel, but somehow I'm not very good at grammar so I create Bahasa Malaysia novel instead. Before reading these novel, please understand below statement first.

1. This novel is my work and not pirated from anyone(except the picture)

2. I hold the copyrighted for this work thus altering my work for your own use without my permission is considered against the law

3. I accept question and feedback

4. If anyone interested to change my work from Bahasa Melayu to English, I open for any discussion(Even for payment)

5. At first, when reading the novel, you may think too much information coming to you in confusing way. Don't worry, every question will be answered eventually as the novel progress

6. Currently I'm pending to continue writing the novel but I do have the 'continues chapter' that haven't been posted yet so if you want to read it, please inform me asap

7. For contacting me, my email addresss is

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