Initial (Christmas Special)

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Long. Boring and long, was the Christmas dinner at my parents house. Now, don't get me wrong– I hold a great amount of love for all of my family members, but huge family gatherings just aren't really my scene, so I was glad to be stepping inside my warm home after a night of constant compliments as well as complaints.

I hung my jacket on the coat rack and slipped my black heels off, leaving me in the gorgeous burgundy velvet, long- sleeved dress. I bought this dress two months ago and couldn't wait to wear it, yet now that it was finally hugging my body, I couldn't wait to take it off. A loud exaggerated yawn left my mouth, eyes flicking up to glance at the clock on the wall in the kitchen: 10:58. My aching feet carried me towards my bedroom, a comfortable bed definitely awaiting me in there.

I harshly bit the inside of my cheek in irritation when he grabbed my arm, just as I reached out to open the door. Complaints. Mainly from him. How could anyone blame me, though? Harry hadn't gotten me anything for Christmas, though that was not the reason for my obvious hostility towards him; it was that he bought almost all of my family beyond expensive gifts. From Rolex watches for my parents to iPhone 8's for my younger siblings, I didn't even try to hide my annoyance and refused to speak to him during the drive back to my apartment, making him complain.

My attempt at getting rid of his grip failed and I turned to face him expectantly: I might as well listen to what he has to say.

"Why aren't you speaking to me?" My eyes widened at his question. He hadn't caught on yet? I huffed and took advantage of his grip on me loosening to reach for the door handle once more.

"Is it because I didn't get you anything?" He let me push the door open and enter, my hands instantly beginning to lift the dress up.

I laughed, chucking the dress carelessly onto the floor in the darkened room, the only light coming from the hallway.

"Fuck's sake, Y/n—"

"Was an iPhone and a Rolex the best you could do? Why didn't you just get my dad a fucking lambo?" My silent treatment flew out of the window as I finally exclaimed what he'd done wrong.

His eyes softened, lips twitching into a slight smirk. He can't possibly be finding this amusing.

"You're mad at me because I got your family Christmas presents?" I rolled my eyes, Harry stepping towards me clad in his black skinny jeans and a black button up shirt. One thing neither of us could complain about was the way Harry looked tonight. Because as a matter of fact, he looked more handsome than usual and unfortunately, we both were aware of that.

"No. I'm mad at you because you spoiled the shit out of my family, when I got them socks and cheap perfumes." My hands pressed to his chest when he tried to near my underwear covered body.

"You know that's not a problem for me—"

"Not for you, no. But this is my family and I would appreciate if you didn't spend so much money on them." My arms crossed over my chest, a defeated look taking over my face. I'm not happy about what he did but it is Christmas Day (only for another hour) so I should probably let this slide to erase the tension between us.

"I'm sorry," he sighed, hesitating a little before he wrapped his arms around me, my own snaking around his torso.

"It doesn't matter." I sighed, eyes closing and body relaxing into his chest. He smelt incredibly good and I found myself nuzzling my face even further into his shirt. The dinner tired me out massively and in all honesty, I couldn't wait any longer to snuggle up to Harry's side in bed.

I broke away, grasping Harry's warm hand in order to lead us to the bed. However, he seemed to have other plans as he stopped me by pulling me back into his chest.

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