something about spitting

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Yes, it's filthy, and it'd never even crossed your mind before but when that one time you and Harry had caught paps snapping pictures of you at cafe Habana, you had a spontaneous idea: you two kiss and end everyone's speculations, and that's what you did; Harry stood up to leave and leaned down to press his lips to yours while you eyed the camera lens a distance behind him.

It was a hard, claiming kiss– Harry's tongue stroked slowly over yours, marking you in a way only you could understand and when he pulled away, you thought he'd just leave you with the two friends you'd been here with originally before he tagged along, but no.

His thumb weighed heavily on your tongue while he tilted your head back, and then he pursed his lips, letting his spit fall right into your mouth and melt on your pink tongue. Your eyes widened and cheeks immediately heated up as you swallowed what he'd spat into your mouth.

He gave your parted lips a final peck and then stepped away without another word, the cameras caught him smirking smugly as he walked away, leaving you all confused and hot and really fucking horny.

And to make matters worse, you weren't supposed to see him again that day but what he'd done forced your fingers to tap shakily at the screen of your phone an hour later, telling him that,

To H: I need to see you

To H: Right now

H to you: What's wrong?

But you didn't reply after that, just rang him to ask him if he's home and he was, so you made your way there and the way the area between you thighs throbbed and your breath came out in short spurts was enough for him to understand what really was wrong when he opened the door, letting you in.

You quite literally threw yourself at him, tore his clothes off and kissed hungrily at his soft lips, his jaw and his neck.

You ended up in one of the guest rooms in his huge house as you didn't have the energy to walk upstairs in the state that you were in, with your eyes about to bleed tears because you needed it that bad. Harry knew and he fucking loved it; how you whined when he lifted himself off of you to roll the condom on, how he broke away from your lips to have a loud moan come out of his hot mouth because you were that tight, how he circled his fingers around your throat but removed them quickly after he'd decided you weren't ready for that yet.

But then you moaned the reason you were even here right now,

"Again," you breathed while Harry tuck himself inside of you over and over, thrusting so deep you swore you felt him in your tummy.

"Do it again." you begged, digging your nails into his back.

He looked down at you with shinning eyes, the corners of his lips turning up into a smirk as he taunted, "Do what?"

And maybe he thought you wouldn't say it, or maybe he knew you'd say it that's why he asked you to do so because he needed to hear it just as bad as you needed him to do it again.

"Spit in my mouth." and any other time, it'd sound so disgusting, you'd grimace in terror but in the moment, it'd been the hottest thing you've ever said to him.

"S'hot when you ask for it," he told you, giving a sharp thrust before lifting his right hand up to your mouth.

"Open up for me," he requested and you obliged, opening your mouth nice and wide to have him press his index and middle finger down onto your tongue, making your jaw go slack as you let him do one of the filthiest things he's ever done to you (so far).

He pursed his swollen lips again, spitting right onto your wet muscle, causing you to moan before you swallowed and opened your mouth for more.

Harry whimpered at the sight of you swallowing, hips picking up their pace as your back arched off of the bed.

"So dirty for me, aren't you? Such a dirty girl, yeah? Only for me." he praised lowly, thumbing at your bottom lip.

You nodded your head, eyes fluttering shut as endless waves of pleasure washed over your body.

Harry leaned down again, spitting in your mouth for the third time today and groaning throatily in satisfaction.

"Mine," he breathed. "all fucking mine, angel."


okaY whoever doesn't agree with spitting pls do not speak to me


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