wRoNg- Part 1

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It were no coincidence, though he claimed it was. Did he think I were that stupid to believe that his car broke down while he was driving by, having no one to call and nowhere to stay, he came here, to my home.

No, I wasn't stupid enough to believe his blatant lie for an excuse. He lives in a big city an hour away from here, and he has no single reason to be here, in this small shitty town I grew up in. I knew I was right not to believe him that night how he'd told me, "Don't look at me like that." When he laid on his side on my bed and I kneeled on the floor, my chin resting on my crossed forearms. We'd gotten into conversing about how I'd caught him eyeing me inappropriately at work for a while now– for an unknown reason, I gained confidence and power of some sense, taking into consideration this was my home and we were no longer in my boss' office, in which he always has the upper hand in.

I spoke up about how just two days ago he was talking to me about future phone calls I were to make and my tongue darted out to lick my lips. The action cut him off mid- sentence and he gazed at my lips, his own parted and eyes slightly widened. "Don't do that." He'd told me, eyes trained on my wet lips. Without so much as a thought, I repeated the action and in turn, he licked his pink lips also before swallowing hard.

"Don't fucking do that," he'd repeated, this time grabbing my arm and pulling me aside, shielding us from any prying eyes right outside of his and my office.

"Why?" I had asked him and again, slowly wet my lips with my tongue.

"Fuck, jus—just stop it." My eyes had darted down toward where his hands were adjusting his black trousers, eyes widening and heat spreading over my creamy cheeks.

I told him that night in my bedroom that I didn't know why I said: "Make me." Because when I did, his eyes darkened, bottom lip being taken between his teeth as he eyed me, taking a step closer so that we were a mere inch apart.

"I want to. I want to so badly—" and then the phone on my desk rang, my 'office' stationed right outside of his, and my feet carried me to pick it up while my underwear had become involuntarily damp and my cheeks had shaded crimson red. I avoided him that day and the next, labelling that one encounter completely wrong and inappropriate, so when he showed up at my apartment two days later, I was certain it were no damn coincidence.

"You're my boss, you shouldn't be here." I told him. He also shouldn't be checking me out at work, and I had a hard time believing that he'd stop doing that.

"I'm not going to repeat myself." Harry rolled his eyes, referring to his lie he'd been repeating all night: "it was a coincidence." But I knew better– even more so when he leaned in to press his lips against my forehead, bidding me goodnight and turning to face the wall.

It was almost 1am and I hadn't showered yet, so I proceeded to do just that and once I returned, I snuck into my bed with Harry. I made sure to not wake him as I laid my head on the soft pillows, on the other side of the bed as far away from him as I could without falling off. I did glance at his relaxed expression though; a pout drawn onto his perfectly sculpted face as he slept and I had to admit, it felt quite alright to have him here with me.

The next morning was the worst, however. Harry had selected me to be the fault of us sleeping in, we had to be at the office by 8 and it had just turned 11. Harry's arm was heavily weighing down on my stomach when I had first woken up, and I wanted to revel in the way it tightened around me, bringing me closer to him but unfortunately, I could not do that as both of us soon realised it was late. Very late.

We were forced to get the bus, which delayed our arrival even more and of course, I got the blame for that, also. He wouldn't shut his mouth, constantly complaining and bickering with me about how unorganised I am and how he now understands why I'm always late to work; because apparently, I don't set an alarm. The thing is, I do, but it might've slipped my mind last night due to the fact that my boss was in my bed. With me. And I had yet to decide whether I thoroughly enjoyed that or was absolutely petrified.

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