Rude Awakening

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You couldn't decide what was more rude. The fact that Harry had completely dismissed your needs when he arrived home from a long session at the studio, the fact that he was hogging the soft covers leaving you to shiver due to the gentle blow of wind coming in through one of the windows, or maybe it was the fact that anything he did or said made your cheeks tint crimson and the area in between your thighs dampen.

The fact that he wore no boxers to bed was also unbelievably rude; his smooth, tatted chest rose and fell with each calm breath he took, his right hand rested on the soft skin next to his navel, below the beautiful butterfly tattoo. His left arm bent at the elbow above his head and underneath one of the plush pillows. Harry's legs were tangled in the entirety of the sheets, happy trail exposed, causing your mouth to water involuntarily.

It might've been rude of you to act upon your desires; gently tugging at the clean, white duvet in order to reveal the rest of Harry's bare body to you. You gulped at the sight, a wave of nothing but lust hitting your head and washing over your whole body all the way down to your toes. His right leg was bent at the knee, invading your side of the bed, while his left was fully outstretched, close to dangling off of the edge of the mattress.

He was soft (in more ways than one), looking very calm and at peace which made you struggle to understand how his current state made your bones rattle to the core. You cast a glance at his flawless face, no sign of a frown present, making you wonder what he dreamt of.

You sat up slowly, Harry's white t-shirt falling back down after it'd rid up your hips in your sleep as you tossed and turned. The area in between your legs throbbed, needing to be relieved and it wasn't that the thought of quickly rubbing yourself over your underwear was filthy. It was that your eye fell upon a certain splash of ink, sticking out like a sore thumb on Harry's left thigh.

The tiger seemed to be gawking right at you as you contemplated your next move. How unhappy would Harry be if you woke him from his sweet sleep? The answer was: very. However, what if you woke him from this blissful sleep with your thighs straddling his and rubbing your sensitive centre up and down the taunting tiger tattoo while you moaned softly into his ear?

With a shaky breath, you made up your mind, hopping off the bed and hastily slipping the damp knickers down your legs until they pooled at your feet and you stepped out of them, circling the bed to meet Harry on the left side. The mattress dipped slightly when you climbed back onto the bed, positioning yourself on him so that his left thigh was between your knees. You breathed through your nose, glancing up at him shortly, moving your annoying hair away from your face.

Your hands pressed to the soft mattress at either side of his pelvis and you steadily lowered your hips, lifting your head to keep an eye on his face. Your eyes fluttered shut though, when your sensitive clit made contact with the warm skin of his thigh.

Harry remained still, long eyelashes resting on his creamy cheeks as your hips advanced forward against his thigh. The thrill of using your sleeping boyfriend for your own pleasure intensified the glorious feeling between your thighs when you moved your hips backward and forward again. Your bottom lip was caught between your teeth, worrying at it as you moved on him, feeling the rather large waves of pleasure hitting you.

You whimpered when you pressed harder down onto his thigh, putting more pressure on your clit and giving small bucks of your hips. Your eyes popped open, glancing down at where your centre met his tiger tattoo, and with every pull back of your hips you could clearly see the ink glistening in your arousal.

You released your lip, letting out a soft whimper of Harry's name and unintentionally repositioning your hands, pressing them to the warm skin where his butterfly tattoo is proudly drawn on.

Fortunately (or unfortunately), Harry jolted awake then, opening his eyes and tilting his head to the left quickly in a panicked reaction. When he noticed you though, let alone what you were doing, he relaxed; the corners of his lips lazily turning up into a smirk as his eyelids weighed heavily on his suddenly awoken eyes. Your movements did not cease, hands only pressing harder on his skin as your hips stuttered back and forth against his strong thigh.

"What," he rasped groggily, a hint of lust laced through his sleepy tone. "What has gotten into you?"

You moaned lowly in response, meeting his gaze. "Needed it," you breathed. "needed something."

"You needed to come?" He questioned, hands making their way to your hips. Nodding, you dug your nails into his stomach, pleasure radiating off of every inch of your body as your toes curled.

"Could've told me—"

"I did! I did— told you when you came back." You argued, letting your hair drape over your face as your head dropped and your hips picked up their pace.

Harry's leg shifted; thigh just slightly lifting off the bed as he bent his leg at the knee, creating a better angle for you to rub yourself over. The inked flesh pressed tighter against your pulsing clit, Harry's hands pushing you down to create even more friction than his thigh did.

"Do you like this? Like rubbing yourself on me, yeah? Can feel it, baby. Can feel you dripping down my thigh." Harry's words were all that you needed to release on his leg. Your orgasm made you surge forward as moans leaked out of your mouth, landing on Harry's tongue when he reached up to kiss you, swallowing down your noises of pleasure.

His grip was strong enough to elevate you onto him properly, making your still shaking knees straddle his hardened cock. You shook your head, unaware of your eyes being shut while your chest heaved due to the recent orgasm you'd received from Harry's thigh.

"Feel better?" He breathed, reaching one of his hands between your bodies to grip and position himself at your entrance.

"Too sensitive! I'm too— mmmh." Harry had already began to tuck himself into before you could fight him off, however instead of uncomfortable, it felt good; so familiar and just good.

Your head dropped onto Harry's bare chest when he didn't make another move, his warm fingers skimming up your back before settling upon the skin. " 'M not gonna fuck you," He said, hugging you closer into his chest.

"Just wanna stay in you, okay? Like having you warming up my cock." The softness of his voice could put any high end velvet to shame, it was something so soothing and even more so when he was whispering in your ear.

You hummed in response, fucked out and content.

"Like it too, don't you? Nice and snug, yeah? And warm— so warm, angel."


a little something my luvs !!
apologies for any typos it's not proofread !

read my fic 'yellow tape'


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