Three Words- Part 2

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Clothes were strewn all over the bedroom floor, naked bodies roughly collided and lips fervently kissed. It wasn't our first time having sex, no, but it certainly was a first doing it after such deep feelings were expressed between the two of us.

The feeling of Harry's wet lips sucking at my neck, with his bare body hovering above mine was overwhelming. Every inch of skin he touched made me shiver and tremble for more of his contact, no one had ever made me feel like this— not even Harry, until now. All of our intimate situations prior to this one were good, so good, but nothing could ever compare to this. We were bare; we were naked in every possible meaning of that word. We were exposed to each other, not only physically but emotionally. He loved me, I loved him and I will never get enough of that.

My hands tangled in Harry's short hair as he made his way down, kissing at my collarbones and down the valley of my breasts, making me whimper out his name. His body was warm as was mine, the subtle breeze entering the room through the open balcony doors causing goosebumps to rise upon Harry's smooth skin as well as my own. His lips peppered kisses all around my bellybutton before he placed a sweet kiss right on it, his large hands gripping my hips as he went further and further down.

My eyes fluttered shut when his hot breath hit my exposed core, gentle hands spreading my thighs apart a little further. I watched him gaze at my heat intently before he peered up at me and brought his index finger to run up and down the centre. As a result of that, my hands fisted the white sheets which I laid upon– it's been ridiculously long, too long, since Harry has touched me like this and I was incredibly sensitive.

A moan formed in the back of my throat and threatened to escape my mouth at the sight of Harry bringing his wet finger towards his lips. He circled them around his finger and sucked the evident arousal off of it. I felt my cheeks heat up and the dull ache of need in my stomach multiplied by ten. Harry knew exactly what he was doing.

I wasn't looking when he dipped his head and pressed his tongue flat against the centre of my core, my hands immediately grasping his soft hair. He licked up twice before finding the most sensitive bundle of nerves and beginning to flick his tongue over it, causing moans to roll off of my tongue.

As much as I wanted Harry to continue his blissful assault, my fingers brushed over his cheeks and pressed into them, lifting his head up to look at me.

"That's not what I want." I breathed. It was unbelievable how quickly Harry had made my body crumble underneath his touch, making me lose my breath.

Although Harry knew precisely what I was talking about, his body still laid unmoving at the foot of the bed, lips glistening and eyes wide.

"I—" He hesitated, breaking eye contact for a split second before returning it. "I won't last," he admitted, my thumbs caressing his cheeks softly.

"It's been so long, baby. I won't last." He seemed almost ashamed, unhappy with what he'd just said. Despite that, I urged him to lift himself up and position himself above me once again. A throaty moan came from Harry when I brought my lips to his, his length unintentionally rubbing against me. 

My soft hand reached in between us as we kissed, grasping him gently and beginning to move my hand at a slow pace. Instantly, Harry pulled back with a shaky breath, glancing at me as if I were committing a crime.

"N-No, Y/n, I—" his fingers gripped my forearm to stop the movement of my hand.

"Fuck," his eyes fluttered shut, letting out a breath as he removed his chest from mine and sat up to kneel in between my parted legs. It came across like he was a virgin, preparing to have sex for the first time. However, he's done this plenty of times before, but never was he so affected by the smallest brush of my fingers.

My eyes peered into his; he looked so fucked out already and we had barely done anything, though as he said, a whole month has passed since he'd done anything. My lips were forced to part at the sight of tears beginning to pool at his eyes, bottom lip being taken between his teeth.

"I'm sorry—" he trailed off shakily. Me, failing to understand the reason for his sudden emotional state. Was it the three words we'd exchanged before this? Was it the fact that he was afraid he'd come too fast?

"That's okay. It's okay— don't," I also sat up when a sound between a sob and a sigh left his mouth, his head dropping and hand flying up to his temple.

"I'm sorry," he repeated, my hands tenderly pressing to his cheeks and lifting his head up to look at me. His eyes were red, bottom lip trembling.

"It's alright, Harry. We don't have to do anything, okay?" I coaxed him, wrapping my arms around his back and hugging him.

My eyes became glossy as he placed his strong arms around me, too. At least a minute must've passed before we broke away from our intimate embrace, Harry's eyes remained teary as he looked at me.

Warmth filled my heart at his next words, those three words, "I love you."

I offered a small but genuine smile. "I love you."

His lips fitted perfectly between mine in a sweet kiss. "I'm sorry, Y/n, I wanted t—"

"Stop apologising. Tonight was...a lot to handle, okay? I feel the same as you do." I reassured him. Truthfully, tonight was too much for the both of us. Neither of us had ever been as honest with each other as we were tonight and really, we didn't need to fuck to prove that what we said was real.

I laid back down on the comfortable presidential suite bed, Harry settling down on his side next to me. His right arm snaked around my waist while he laid his head on my chest, having me ruffle my fingers through his brown hair. No words were spoken, just calm breathing was heard as we snuggled up on the bed. The breeze that was once enjoyable had now become very much unpleasant and I wondered who, between the two of us, would be first to speak up about it and get up to close the door.

I soon came to the realisation that it had to be me when Harry's breathing had drastically slowed and his grip around me had loosened, indicating he'd drifted off to sleep. Even though I didn't want to, I slipped off of the bed and quietly tiptoed towards the balcony door, shutting it silently to make sure Harry doesn't wake up.

Successfully, he stayed sound asleep and I returned to the bed, lifting the covers before switching the bedside lamp off. I changed my position and laid down so that Harry's back was against my chest, making him the little spoon as I snaked my arm around him.

If anyone needed proof of our meaningful three words, no fuck could ever prove it, though this very moment could.


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