Episode 1: Homesick

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The street was silent. It was empty. It would have been beautiful back in its days of glory. Honestly, these houses were magnificent. Picket fences, two stories, even large backyards. Oh, Pyrrha could just imagine how this place would have looked in it's glory days. But she didn't. Because all she saw anymore was just ruined building after ruined building. One would think after two long years you would get used to the end of the world. You don't.

Pyrrha sat in the centre of the large kitchen. All of the windows had been knocked out and the countertop had been torn to shreds by something. She sat on the cracked tiled floor, knees to her chest, staring blankly into the fire. She was so hungry. It made her cringe just thinking about it, but it was impossible to think about anything else. The hand of starvation squeezed the life out of her stomach and stole her energy. It had been a few days now and there was nothing to be found.

She wore a drained expression and she was covered in dirt. Johnson wrapped the comfort of his cracked leather jacket around her shoulders. It made her feel more secure, but it still didn't put any food in her stomach. She looked very different. Her matted hair hadn't been washed in almost a week and her ripped jeans were in awful condition. Johnson looked rather similar. Without his jacket his build could be seen through his black tank top. And it wasn't all too impressive. He was an average sized man with a large black beard and a full head of thick hair. An exhausted expression slipped onto his face as he stared endlessly in the fire.

If only he knew about what went on inside of Pyrrha's head...

I had something to smile about... Oh, father, where did you go? I had a man who layed his life down for me, he spent every minute of every day making sure I was alright. It was so comforting to have him near. Just to have him near once more would be bliss.

I have tried to take my own life countless times... But as a part of being Lambent I am impervious to pain, and apparently death. I keep on waking up in this hellish nightmare. No matter how many knives I drive into my heart, no matter how many bullets I put through my head, no matter how much alcohol I pump into my system I cannot die. I am alone in the world! I cannot die! 

I was a nice person, wasn't I? It all seems like a dream nowadays. Soaking in the Spring sun in Baroque as I picked flowers from the nearby forest for the fair. It was impossible to re-imagine civilised life again. It was like I am making it up and whenever I tell Stranded about the life I once lived they don't believe me. Why should they? I'm just like them. All we think about is survival.

I once had something to fight for. I once had a destiny, a quest, a purpose, I had it all! Now I have nothing... As all life on Earth, man and beast alike, dies, I remain. I will always remain. I will always be here because I am eternal and everyone else isn't. I will live here with the Lambent until the Earth itself dies.

Oh Johnson knew. He knew all about it. The first time she tried to take her life, he freaked out, but she woke up within seconds and she was fine. Even though she had done it plenty of times, he still wasn't used to the fear of losing her. Or her losing him. She had stopped trying to kill herself, one day she knew it was impossible and gave up.

Johnson consoled Pyrrha as best he could by wrapping his arms around her and holding her close. It wasn't long before they both went to sleep.

It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, the trees swayed peacefully in a cool summer's breeze and the flowers were abundant.

A wild cacophony ruined the serene nature of the afternoon.

Pyrrha and her friends ran through the town of Baroque. They were like a group of young puppies let off the chain and they were running wild, giggling as they did so.

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